
Tabitha Hergert❤

Ask @tabby2666

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do u feel like nothing is right when you aren't with your bf?

yes. he makes eveything better when him and I are together.

I love ur pig sweatshirt. but do u make dan not eat pig?

thank you! and no just because I don't eat pork doesn't mean dan can't. I don't mine if he does. he can have whatever he wants

what would u do for dan just to make him happy

honestly, there isn't anything I wouldn't do just to make him happy. I'd do anything for him. anything for him

what would u do if dan left u?

Honestly, I don't know. I'd be really upset. I don't even wanna think about it. he makes me so happy in a way no one else can.

how is dan differnt from the others?

dan treats me like a princess. he gives me his all. unlike everyone else he helps me through the hardest times and doesn't leave my side. he makes me the happiest I have ever been in a relationship. everything just feels so differnt with him. dan provides me with this safety and protection. he puts a smile on my face even when I feel like there's nothing to smile about. he brings me these feelings I've never felt before.
Liked by: Lexi

Tbh tabby you are awesome. All the haters try to bring you down but they obviously don't see the true you. You're really sweet and nice and know how to be mature. You're super loyal and one of the best friends that a person can even ask for. Good luck to you and Dan and I know that you'll go far! :)

Smile Bright
thank you so much!! this made me so happy and made my day! once again thanks a lot(:

I see u and dan with each other a lot u guys always look so happy and seem to be having a good time

he makes me so happy. he always messes around with me and calls me the funniest things. always having a good time when I'm with him.

y would u post things that he won't see?

um..because what I said was 110% true. it doesn't matter if dan sees it or not he knows how I feel. I remind him everyday. I just answered the question truthfully. so yeah not sure what Dan not having an ask has to do with anything.

what makes ur realtionship differnt from others?

well, dan and I have been through so much shit. there was this time I was grounded for like a month I couldn't see him I didn't have a phone. There was another time where this person who I didn't even know neither did dan but she kept texting me and calling me telling me lies about dan and than texting dan telling him shit about me and what not and that went on for awhile. we have been through differnt situations that many other couples would probably just break up over but dan and I have made it through. & I am super happy we have because he's the best thing in my life.

how does dan put up with u?

That's a good question. I don't kmow how dan puts up with me. There's those days that I just over think way to much shit. I'm so stressed out and can't think straight. I have those days I can be happy and than just upset alittle later over something little. I don't know how dan puts up with someone like me. but i'm so grateful that he has. I can be such a pain in the ass at times but he's always still there for me. super grateful for him.

Happy birthday I'm sorry for all the hate you get on your ask they are just jealous of you don't let them take your down

aw thank you so much!❤❤

id be embarrassed to be around u with ur face

honestly stop. its not even funny. its not acne. I had a reaction to this medicine I took for my sinus infection. you think I wanna be covered in dots? I didn't choose this. so seriously fuck off. its hard enough coming to school looking like this. I don't need to hear about it anymore. I see it everyday. thanks.

u and Dan have been together for awhile now aren't u tired of him already?

no offense but that's a pretty stupid question. I have been with him for awhile and I'm beyond happy with him. how could you I be tired of him when he brings me joy, happiness, safety & a lot more? he makes me so happy. I think the happiest I've ever been. I'm not just with Dan to get things from him. I'm with him because he makes me happy. he brings out the best in me. & he's also the reason i'm able to come to school and get through the day. so no I am not tired of him in any way shape or form.

u have some really bad acne on ur face

it's not even acne. i had a pretty bad allergic reaction to this medicine I was taking and so I'm covered in dots.


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