
Marya Ross

Ask @taco_cat69

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People you are grateful for?

My mom, dad, Lauren, Annika, my grandma, all of my cousins, Mckenna, Lauren, Kendall, Miranda, Mike Cole, pretty much all of my friends because without them i wouldn't be who I am today.

thoughts on kelsey?

Literally. I would NOT be here today if it weren't for her and a couple others. She's been through the thick and thin with me and I'm so grateful.

Out of All the logans witch one would u date

none bc i like someone else (rven though he doesn't like me back but whatever)

Ciao, mi aiuteresti a crescere seguendomi e mettendomi dei like,ne sarei davvero felice, ti chiedo solo di non offendere, di non fermarti all'apparenza, la mia è una pagina creata per aiutare le persone, grazie ❤️

IlSessoTraFascinoeProibizione’s Profile PhotoI Rapporti In Ogni Aspetto

No wonder you 2 are best friends

I would like you to look further into our relationship before you judge it thanks.


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