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In class is one girl which keeps me saying that i am not worth it and things like that. Myfriend wants to have Everything good with her cause she is afraid of her so she pretend that she is with her and she is rude to me too. I hateschool because that every day ihave to deal with her.whatshouldido:(

This happens a lot, to be honest.
All you have to do is focus on your studies and try to ignore that girl. Keep in mind that you're in school to study and have fun (regardless how rude some students are). If your friend truly loves you she will be by your side no matter what. They will grow up and regret what they were doing.
Whenever that girl says anything to you, leave her and go. If you replied to her and showed her that you're annoyed she would be happy because that's what she wants so!

مجدرة هههههههه بس لماذا العدوانية المفرطة ضد المدرسة hateschool ههههه اخاف لو امروك على مدرسة تقصفها بالنووي

super_raee’s Profile Photoالسوبر رائع
اه والله كنت اكرهها لان المدرسين عبارة عن مرضى نفسيين و لانها تحرمني من النوم 😠، و ملأت جدار غرفتي برسومات معادية للمدرسة مثلاً رسمت طائرة تقصف المدرسة و جنود محاصرين المدرسة و معهم ار بي جي و الخ

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha omgggggggg xDDD u should have recorded that moment!! i really wanted to see it omg i cant stop laughing!! omt (oh my twinny xD) i missed u sooooooooo much!!! i really wanted to come just to talk to u or to Niall but i was soooo busy! school sucks! <333

InesFg5’s Profile Photoinês
hahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahah it was the best day everrrr hahahahahha im really evil ahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha yeahhhhh school boh http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lid8z6s4Lt1qctyxj.gif#_=_ i hateschool !! XPPPP <33333
Liked by: zfdhgd X inês

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