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4 posts


im having a really hard time makingfriends like everytime i try and talk to people its awkward and they just kinda walk away and like im crying myself too sleep ever night because i just dont have any friends like i dont have anywhere to go for halloween or the next wezz plz help + dont say pop up:(

Sounds like it's about time you find yourself some friends

I nominate you for the 20 facts about myself challenge. You can nominate 3 people further

20 facts about myself:-
1) I love my mom,dad and my sister.
2) I am friendly and I love making
friends. Still I have shortage of friends in my life, don't know why.
3) I'm shy especially with girls xD
4) You can trust me with each and every small thing, I won't break your trust.
5) I end up trusting people very quickly. I believe they'd never break my trust. Not always true.
6) I love eating. My favorite cuisine is Chinese and Indian.
7) I have big aims and ambitions in life. I aspire to be the president of India but I can't even get decent marks in my coaching test xD
8) I love politics
9) My birthday is on 21st January and everyone in my family has a birthday on 21st. Strange na xD.
10) I'm a social addict. Be it what's app, Facebook,Twitter or ask.fm
11) My only bad habit is laziness
12) I love listening to music
13) My favorite subject is history but I'm studying science *_*
14) I like cricket, not a big football fan.
15) My nickname is cheeku(now don't make fun of it)
16)I don't like reading and studying much
17) I'm usually quiet but I'd love to talk.
18)I love travelling and I have been traveling ever since. Lol *_*
19) I love Dairy milk Silk :P
20)My best friends are Darsh, Omar, Barun, Aditya, Om Gupta and Abhinav. However we are now far apart at a distance but they are the ones who make the latitudes and longitudes.xD
And I love quotations xD
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."

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You leave abb anarr for the tred girls. Wait till you get back too school, who will you bother with then

You don't know anything!,I'm still all of their friends I love them all but its not my fault they haven't text me ONCE NOT ONCE in the half term to see if I wanted to go out with them so what? They expect me to sit in the house and not go out? Huh,your laughing m8! If they don't want me to bother with them they can just tell me? And its not just me that they haven't asked its Tayla too so she knows how I feel and I know how she feels, its called MakingFriends so hush up child and don't start having a go at me before you know the truth! +wtaf? I've got taylaa?mollie?lucy+sadie anar? Even Lucy said to me last night when we go back to school I can bother with her ana so likee...I have got friends.

Language: English