
21 people

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Ma belle you were brave and I am extremely proud of you. Our happiness is now complete and Stella has finally had a sibling. Tu es toute ma vie et je t'aime ! @MrsBlackDagger @BlackDaggerheart #newyearsbaby, #momanddad, #happiness, #blackdaggerbaby, #happynewyear2021, #greatestgift, #newlife 🤩😏😎💝🌋🔥🌡️💍💎💗🍼👶👣👪🌈💉⚔️

10q(:p). 1. Someone special name? , 2. Ur parents name? , 3.what do you like , 4.PADOYB , 5. Favorite song(?) , 6. Short skirt/Long pants , 7. Dad/Mom , 8. Favorite game , 9.best friends name? , 10. Science/history.

fariz18ramadhan’s Profile Photofariz
Bnyk sekali we. 1. Niall James Horan :p , 2. H&W , 3. I like summer!-_- , 4. Mks 11 November 2002 , 5. all of the.stars by ed sheeran , 6. idk-_- , 7. MomAndDad , 8. Line : Let's get rich , 9. Tenxostar ily<33!! , 10.History;pp
Liked by: fariz

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