
3.07 K people

50 posts


ايه علاج التوتر يا جماعة بقالي عشر ايام خايف اذاكر و لما بجي اذاكر بحس بزهق و مش عارف استوعب حاجه انا حاسس اني بنهار 😞💔

بكل بساطة لازم تقتنع ان التوتر كرسى هزاز هيفضل يحركك لكن عمره ما هيطلعك خطوة لقدام.
اول ما تحسس بتوتر تخيل ان حواليك هالة كبيره جدا من السواد ، لازم تتخطاها عشان توصل لمرحلة الهدوء و فكر فى حاجات سلمية و هادية زى مثلا البحر او الزرع الاخضر و الهوا النضيف.
و عود نفسك كل يوم لمده عشر دقايق كده تسمع relaxing muisc كبيانو مثلا و تغمض عينك و زى ما قلت لك تفكر فى حاجات انت بتحس فيها بالراحه.
بعد اقل من اسبوع هتدعيلى ، اتفقنا ؟
Liked by: 238-$

you been my hero pass 5 years you funny kind heart sweet nice i look up to pass 5 year your smile light up room you beautiful from the inside out not my hero role model of mind your muisc has change my life you aslo my favoite actor caring sweet

You just made me cry a tsunami! You're so sweet and pure! I already said it but I'm so lucky to have you all in my life, you guys are the best! I love every single one of you <3

Kak coba kakak pap semua semua keluarga kakak, kok kakak bisa pny byk keluarga? Kakak kan anak kos, pny saudara diyogya? Atau bagaimana? KEPO

Dari kiri atas
1. FH UII kelas D '13
2. Magic The Gathering Yogya (klub game kayak van guard sama yu gi oh gitu)
3. Kompetisi angktn 16
4. Kompetisi angktn 15
5. Central Languange Improvement UII
6. Pokemon skg ganti nama jd Drama n Wacana
7. KKN Ngluwar UII
8. Slh foto hrsnya dota urgent
9. Wakiki (Kelompok belajar dan dolan)
10. MUISC keluarga dari lomba di Turki kmrn
Minus foto keluarga gg model, azura model, yogya fotografi, urgent, keluarga alumni opsi, lkir lipi, sos glamay, kayaknya klu mo di pap smw ga cukup wkwkwk
Iya aku anak tunggal yg ga pny sanak saudara di Yogya. Semua berawal dr temen2 alumni olimpiade kemendikbud. Kenal sana kenal sini, aku jg join grup game yg ada di yogya, organisasi di kampus. Jadi deh byk keluarga2 kecil
Kak coba kakak pap semua semua keluarga kakak kok kakak bisa pny byk keluarga

what type of videos do you like watching on youtube? and what type of videos would you like to watch if you had to choose something new?

I watch vlogs of youtubers I like for example Miss Remi Ashten, Tara Michelle or like beauty videos, Muisc videos, interviews, ellen degeneres and other shows...sometimes also random stuff like hauls or grwm stuff. That's a really hard question...I actually don't know what I would watch hahahaha

¿Remember the movie of Zac Efron (we are your friends) EDM DJ's? The phrase, "all you need is a laptop some talent and one track" ¿It is that easy?

Zac Efron Its A Actor He Makes Movies, This Is Not True... Thats A Movie, My Life Not Only Occurred Owsla Represents Me And It Is A Big Responsibilit, EDM Its Young Muisc And I Like That But For All The People To Make Music That Is Not Real

my aunt in hopistal with cancer my aunt had 2 cancer sugerys have cancer remove my aunt steady not doing good your muisc helped me everyday smile stay stong help mind off it helped me not turn cutting and helped not turn to suicide

I'm so sorry about everything love ! I'm glad we can help. You're beautiful and don't deserve to do those things at all. Love you lots ! x
Liked by: yair chavez Emma

Ven pero no miran, oyen pero nunca escuchan, pisan pero no caminan... Tienen puños y no luchan. - REFLEXIÓN

Ven pero no miran
oyen pero nunca escuchan
pisan pero no caminan
tienen puños y no luchan
you mi vida no creas que ha sido alegre y tranquila
mi vieja del cielo me cuida
mi hermano lo mato un killa
pero sigo con mi muisc rela
con mi flow de styla
porque si la vida choca... entonces chocare a la vida
y si el dia de mañana por el dios X no despierto
que me sepulten de pie y me dejen los ojos abiertos
porque aun muerto vivire no como otros vivos que andan muertos
que presumen saber todo y todo ignoran les advierto
que no confundan mi desencia con mi elocremencia
no es una amenaza es advertencia, vez la diferencia
conciencia de la que todos hablan a cada rato
critican que como es falso, y ellos comen de ese plato
trato que entiendan lo facil que es ser sensato
tan simple que con rima mas que dos y dos es cuatro
never lie, never look back you do ma`
lirycal rap to leriamn to leriamn da
yo nunca miento ni miro atras
my name is el Canserbero ni menos ni mas
you you

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when someone asks you about your relation status you don't exactly answer clearly you love being chased by girls this makes you an idiot not cool :-)

I wonder why the hell my romantic life matters to people more than it does to me?!
This year I've a lot of things to focus on more than anything else.
I've my tawjehe, I'm starting a new career, and I'm working on a muisc project, that's why I'm not that much into dating , I'm leaving it for time.
Yet, I'm not responsible about anyone feelings, I'm single and that's all I can say.
Liked by: Lucifer Butterfly

Algún Amor? 😂😂 Muisc Fav.*-* Color, Helados Fav. Gatos O Perros? Que Haces En Ratos Libres? Alguna Mejor Amiga/o ? *-*Pasate con La misma Preguntaa

AlexysAponte’s Profile PhotoAlexys
No, Música: Now, Color: Azul:3 Helado: CHOCOLATE:3 y Mantecado:3 Perros:3 Escucho música, Duermo :v Leo un libro:3 Sii Tengo como 4 :3 Okii^-^

Algún Amor? 😂😂 Muisc Fav.*-* Color, Helados Fav. Gatos O Perros? Que Haces En Ratos Libres? Alguna Mejor Amiga/o ? *-* Me Pase❤

sideddm’s Profile PhotoTwtter; @sidediamon
Todavía No^-^ Hate To See Your Heart Break<3 Negro*-* Chocolate, Mantecado:3 Perros:3 Dibujo, Escucho música o leo un libro:3 Sii Barbara, Victor, Anthony:3 Oki

Domanda per entrambe: ho preso da poco l'iphone, avevo un samsung prima, mi consigliate delle app per ascoltare musica per favore? Apparte spotify ovviamente (:?

Apple music ha 3 mesi gratis di prova, se no non saprei magari se scrivi muisc download o cose così sull'app store i viene fuori

◕Hola :3 ◕Edad: ◕Equipo: ◕Color: ◕País: ◕Que te hace reír: ◕Que no te gusta : ◕ Música: ◕Estas enamorad@: ◕Extrañas a alguien: ◕Eres feliz: ◕Tomas: ◕Fumas: ◕Celos@: ◕ Mejores Amig@s:

HeidiNataly’s Profile PhotoNaty Vallejo
hola :3
mis ñños :3
Q me maten d iras xQ despues lloro i me vuelvo loQillo
q sepa io si a mi gilfriend ......
mas Q una lombriz en pariz :*
tomo : aguita nomas..... !
fumo : si MARIHUANA .. !
celoso : NEFF ! --> cuido lo Q es mio esoo gggggggg ....
mejores amigos : ÑÑOS <3
ETC <3 <3 <3
Hola 3
 Edad Equipo Color País Que te hace reír Que no te gusta   Música Estas

you better run run cuz here we come revving our engine under the sun ur crusin' for a brusin' ohh keepin it cool smooth n steady slicked black hair man things are getting heavy ur crusin' for a brusin' two wheels and open road warpped in leather ready to go so don't stop stop the muisc we ride fast

Bubble gum, cheery pop, go to the hop, haning' with my brother, coz' his friends are so hot while there crusin' for some brusin'. #skippedtomypart.

Konnichiwa!! <3 ^..^ Hello Kittys Question Nr.5 :) You are listening to your favorite song!! <3 What is it?? <3 Which feelings do you have when you listen to it?? <3 Why does it means so much for you?? <3 How does music influence the psyche?? <3 Can music heal?? <3

KittyCatWoman’s Profile Photo♥ Kitty-chan ♥ 33 968 15 ♥
Konnichiwa ^^
Fav song? Its uncountable haha
Music gives me Feeling of peace and like feeling of relief
It means a lot to me because...Music is the only one thing that is always there for me cuz if i feel sad i listen to a sad song and when i'm happy? The ones which makes me smile xD
How does music influence the psyche? Maybe by addiction? Lol idk
In my opinion music heals almost everything..it cannot heal the external wounds but it definetly heals the internal ones..its the only one thing in the world that i can lean on...if i'm happy,sad,excited or in any mood i can listen to MUISC and i cannot thank much to the people who created music..and i can talk hours about how MUSIC improved me as well as my life i can talk hours about it..its my escape from the REAL WORLD

hello " Victoria Dawn Justice Or best Tori" How are You? Do You Sing Much? Do you are carefull? Do you Drink? I love You friend you are a good friend you help at much people and good luck in you life and listen you muisc of the '70 and 80' in you discs plders iam too like this music iam too

EmilioContrerasValdebenito’s Profile PhotoEmilio Contreras V.
Hey victoria please, fine and you?, I love to sing,not take long!.. Aw thanks

te crees popular pringa de mierda , que eres promotora del muisc si i que? deja de poner en el face de lista por que no va ni dios a tu puta lista niña q das grima puta BARTOLAKAA aver si ves la realidad ! aprende a ser normal gilipollas que por ser popu no te dan piruletas ! BUKAKE eso si !

JAJAAAJAJApongo en MI FACE LO QUE ME SALE DEL COÑO Y SINO TE GUSTA, O DIRECTAMENTE NO ME SOPORTAS, NO TE CAIGO BIEN, COJE TURNO Y ESPERA A QUE ME IMPORTE, me creo persona como tu y como todos, ni mas ni menos que nadie, lo que yo tengo de bartola tu lo tienes de valiente, Y EN MI PUTA VIDA EH ECHO UN BUKAKE..

Name:_______ Age:_______ Birthday:________ Eye color:________ Nickname:_________Best friend:__________ Favorite Color:_______ Hair Color________ Hobby__________Fav.Song _________________single or Rs _____________ where r u from _____________ What Do You Prefer 2 Do every Day ??!

mOhamed - 15 . 23/2/1998 . 3sLya . kteer P'a . Black . asFar . mUisc . 7ad 4abHo . single . sOhag . b23Od 3La eL ask .F m ^^
Liked by: Roro ShemoO


DriOMago’s Profile PhotoDri ♫
Uma cor (Lilais) , Um amor (Chocolate) , Uma muisc (Mina Do funk Tome a.,.) Um amig (Natalia Silva) Uma Vontade (Que a Felicidade Virase rotina para toda a vida) Um nome (Drii *---*) Uma fto (https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1003138_185579634943192_230738814_n.jpg )

My Name's : Bboy VanBuuren :) i have a 15 years old .. I Love BRaeck Dance & BEat Box &Footbal & Muisc & My Freinds & My Love <3 And El Akl tb3an :) ^_^ men my Love b2a De ??

hehehehehehe ,, hehehehehe ,, hehehehehe :D :P
Liked by: MeRo ツ

Name:_______ Age:_______ Birthday:________ Eye color:_____ ___ Nickname:_________Best friend:__________ Favorite Color:_ ______ Hair Color________ Hobby ___________single or ___________ __ where r u from ?

BallatMastermind’s Profile PhotoBållât Måŝťêřmind
Name:GeHad Age:___15____ Birthday:__10/6/1998______ Eye color:__ 3sly___ ___ Nickname:____GogY_____Best friend:__NoRa we ryhana we menna we arwa we hend________ Favorite Color:_ _black and pink and blue_____ Hair Color__a42ar ______ Hobby ____Play MUISc and Drwaing_______single or ___
single el7l _ h:kkfffkk.f.sk::;?

¿Cuántos hijos quieres tener?: ¿Te llevas bien con tus papás?: ¿A qué hora te despertaste hoy?: ¿Qué hacías ayer a la medianoche?: Nombra algo que no soportes Nombra algo que te gustaría cambiar de tu vida: ¿Qué mano te gusta más?: ¿Qué estás escuchando ahora?

alexdinhoB’s Profile PhotoAlexis Briceño
Si AVeses Que Peleo ACon Ella Pero Aff -.-
A Lass 8:00 Noce*-*
Nada Cambiaria*-*
Las 2
Muisc Rap*-*

⇨Name ⇨Alter ⇨Größe ⇨Augenfarbe ⇨Schuhgröße ⇨beste Freunde ⇨Ich liebe ⇨Verliebt in ⇨Lieblingslied ⇨Sprachen ⇨Lieblingstag ⇨Lieblingsfach ⇨Lieblingsfilm ⇨Beziehungsstatus ⇨Hobbys ⇨Herkunft ⇨Handymarke ⇨Lieblingsfarbe ⇨Lieblingsendung ⇨ wer liket kriegt das als Frage ? :-)

felicia (feli)
music <3
ihn *-*
easy -cro
samstag :)
sport , kunst
twilight, lie of pie
hip hop, muisc <3
aus mamas bauch ;)
lila & schwarz
köln 50667 & berlin Tag & Nacht
Liked by: Lina Luisa Koch Lea Kim.


Meu filho eu não tô querendo ninguém e se você acha que seu carro te faz pegar mulher e porquê você sabe que nunca teve conteudo !
Agora eu não quero ninguém pelo carro afinal o carro não vai ser meu se eu ficar com a pessoa ainda se esconde atras de um anonimo sem carater sem personalidade ><
2 beijoos

Language: English