
1.4 K people

50 posts


Descrie pe un baiat cu care ai vrea sa te cunosti si sa faci selfie ☺ un baiat din orasul tau, vedeta, model, nu conteaza cine

Cred ca o sa-l descriu pe un model??
●●●Toni Mhfud●●●
E un videobloger din Germany, actor, model și pictor?
Născut în Hamburg (Germania), permanent locuieste acolo cu părinții lor, dar de multe ori călătorește în Europa și în lume, în general. Singur nu merge, doar cu prietenii săi, și mai des cu fete frumoase. In acest moment, el este de 21 de ani, înălțimea de 185 cm, funcționează ca un model și fotograf, colaborând cu diferite mărci. De asemenea, implicat în desen, dar este un hobby. A absolvit Școala de Artă Wandsbek din Hamburg. ??????????????????

http://ask.fm/id135975679/answers/139572508330 Начинающий видеоблогер,всегда ставит взаимно лайки и подписки,надеюсь ты не подведёшь эту кису?) Счастья и здоровья тебе,мурр:3

http://ask.fm/id135975679/answers/139572508330 Nuovo videobloger mette sempre reciprocamente husky e la sottoscrizione, si spera questo non è podvedёsh CIMS) La felicità e la salute a voi, SAXS: 3
httpaskfmid135975679answers139572508330 Начинающий видеоблогервсегда ставит

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Dir auch nenn schoenen Tag
Liked by: Alpha estella ✨

hey thank u for you attention i know this will take a little bit of time but i would really appreciate if you watch this video it actually took a lot of efforts to make just tell me how it is and give me some advice it would be really awesome https://youtu.be/b8jlbk0f81Q .Have a good day .*!

Thank you very much, I certainly do not videobloger can not say I have no talent is not like chevo

Allora se vuoi un consiglio, se fossi in te farei dei video semplicissimi in cui racconti la tua giornata, molti videobloger fanno così. Li pubblichi anche su Facebook e dopo i primi video vedi come va, pensaci Giuly :)

Francesco Gibilisco
Una cosa che mi attirerebbe un sacco sarebbero i prank,come i the show per dirti (Li adoro!!). Loro sono ragazzi e la gente reagirebbe in modo molto diverso se si trovasse davanti a una ragazza. Peró.. Capisci,non avrei mai le palle di fare una cosa del genere ahahahaha lo so già!
Si un video blog sarebbe la cosa più semplice diciamo,boh! Ho giá fatto delle challenge con mio fratello,che sono già su facebook.. Mi piacerebbe farne altre ma non ho idee!

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

mein neuer job. professionelle spinnenfängerin.
jetzt erstmal frei lassen ✌
Liked by: bechti xxxxxxxx

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

i dont give a shit, sorry bruh
Liked by: Lisa lena. Kevin

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

azt mondták, hogy strici vagyok bazd

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

oké én meg Hochrein Ádám Adolf vagyok és? Heil Hitler❤❤

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

da schaut man einmal wieder in ask rein und kriegt direkt Kopfschmerzen ..

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

i dont like games sorry.. bud its cute :D :3

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Please stop advertising yourself, it's an enormously witless way of conquering likes on this webpage and the subscribers on YouTube. I hope you aren't infatuated by doing this absurdly childish thing. You shall get some improvements to your vidoes, perhaps get better camera, start a gaming and vlog channel. For now I can rate it with 5 stars out of 10.
Liked by: perfect..

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

was bistn jetzt so scheiße?

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

I ten cholerny wstyd kiedy chłopak którego uważałaś za super kolege dołącza do grupy ''BIAŁO-CZERWONE BARWY NA PROFILOWE'' !
Chyba powinnam przemilczeć to, ale mam niepohamowaną ochotę udusić go tą flagą.
Kompletnie niezrozumiała sytuacja jak dla mnie.

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

vapissssssssssss dich du nutte
Liked by: EP9 A

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

and i love food 🍨🍧🍦🍩🍰🍪🍫🍬🍟🍕🍎🍏🍊🍅🍆🍍🍓🍒🍑🍉🍈🍇
Liked by: YourBabyguuurl Madey

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Jo to taky no, možná že i jako ne, ale jako chapeš

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Jz schon wach, Uff :-(

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3


I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Please don't nerving me

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Anlamis gibi yaptim :D jfkfjfnr

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

you zaebal ! you love interfere and me pohui on your videos. I think send you. Rate? NO

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

Englisch ist nicht so meine Sprache muss ich ja sagen..-
Liked by: Erik Нуар lee joeun

I am videobloger ! I love the game and I decided to combine video and games.I think you'd like it , because the video turned out interesting and fun . Rate ? Video on my ask.fm . I look forward to your comments and like :3

what did you labern lan

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