

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

Being yourself and chasing your dream, failing many times along the way but finally reaching where you want to be! Most movies lately are action or love stories. I'd be down to watch a movie about a kid who drops out of school to follow their dream but gets dishearted by his family who kicks him out. After many struggles he finally reaches where he wanted to be and his family wants him back because he is famous. In the end he gets used by his family and the people he worked for steals all his fame and he goes back to how his life used to be. He doesn't care though because he got what he wanted, even if it was only for a short period of time.
Liked by: Brook Walters
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Latest answers from tai851

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you sing?

What I think: 10.
Others think: prolly 4.
Yeah...we'll say that.

Language: English