

Ask @tamekiaodublexj0419

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1)Who was the last dialogue with? ✨ 2) Who is your first friend? 👥 🚬 4) Do you have many friends? 💁 5) Favorite song? 🎶 6) Favorite movie? 🎬 7) Currently in love? 💜 8) Favorite season of the year? 🌉 9) Do you dance? 💃 10) Favorite fruit? 🍏 Share this to everyone you are following

1)with daisy 2)max 4) yes 5) basta - samsara 6) pile 7) yes 8) summer 9) yes 10) apple. I will not share, I'm a rebel!😄😄😄

If you had the opportunity to go somewhere and start a new life, where would you go? What job would you have? And how do you imagine your house there?

freelancer somewhere in Thailand

do you go for jogging in the morning?

if I would jog in the morning, then there would be no sense in going to bed at all;))

are you saving up for anything?

nope. idk I haven't found anything that interests me. the only time I waste my money is with squad going out


Language: English