
Taufan Hidayat S.

Ask @taufanerd

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Mau cerita dikit sama minta saran. Aku kenal cowok di game ayodance. Umur dia 22 tahun dan aku 21, udah punya showroom mobil sambil kuliah, kalo aku msih kuliah. Dia orang palembang, aku riau. Dia ngajakin serius. Menurut kamu gmn? Aku ketemu dulu, nerima ajakan seriusnya atau gmn? Thank you?

hati hati skrg jaman makin edan

Mengapa melupakan seseorang itu susah, karena sebelum melupakan kita harus mengingatnya terlebih dahulu..? #silahkan kasih pendapat mungkin ada beda

Agung Pamuji Firmanto
kenangan ga akan bisa dilupain, semakin lo ngelupain maka akan semakin inget . so jalanin aja seperti biasa, lama kelamaan juga lupa dan akan terbiasa.

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apa yang lebih menakutkan (liburan gaada uang/ liburan tapi gaada teman)?

liburan ga ada tujuan lebih menakutkan..

wdyt abt love?

i think love is complicated; as in it is the most beautiful thing to people find true love, but to everybody else it just sucks. love makes you dependent on the other person instead of yourself, which in that sense makes you weak, because your love and therefore your happiness depends on that one person, and that person will always dictate when you are happy and when you (eventually) will feel sad and depressed, especially when they leave you ( which in todays world,will probbly happen). It also sucks because it recquires you to make huge risks and sacrifices to get to it, and ussually they do all end up in vain. You can spend all the money on them in the world to keep eachother happy, but in the end it still depends on the other person, not you. Some people become so infatuated with the idea of love because they think they found it, even if it’s there first time ever having feelings like that. the feeling will drive them crazy and make them do real retarded things that they wouldn’t normally do in other situations. but in the end it will all fall apart, they will be left with that depressed feeling of lonelyness, and also not even worth all the work. True love used to exist, where you could meet someone and be with them for life, where it wasn’t such a risk to be in love. but in todays Godless, corrupt, and superficial world, where 50 % of marriages end in divorce, people cheat left and right, everygirl looks for the bad boy even tho they all end up hurting the girl in on way or another, and people look at love so superfically, love is very rare.

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Liked by: Taufan Hidayat S.

menurut kalian, kalo ada cowok cewek pernah pacaran, belum menikah, terus sewa hotel dan nginep bareng, itu ngapain ya mereka disana???

maen kuda kudaan...

15ter aku

terakuuuu ahahahah.
mirip reja kunyuk
mantannya miseng
pemasaran 2k16
temennya sipul
ber 2an sama sipul mulu
anak warsul yeee
anak tongkrongan
mantannya miseng lagi deh
udah bingung gua


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