
Taylor tho

Cant we date

I have no clue who you are. I know nothing about you. I've never talked to you outside of this ridiculous conversation over you wanting to date me. I don't mean to seem rude, I'm flattered by your attraction, but if I wanted to date a stranger whom I know nothing about I would go out to the corner and choose a hooker. I want to date someone who knows me. Who likes me because of my personality, they way I am. I don't want to date someone purely based on my appearance. Just because some people consider me pretty doesn't mean that I will simply go out with a stranger because they've complimented me. If I dated you what would we talk about? What would you say to me? Would you become close to me or would you just drop me like everyone else in my life has? Could I be attracted to you as well? Probably not, because of how long it takes for me to trust people. We can't date because I respect myself enough to not go out with anyone who asks me.
Liked by: Alexis Schoensee
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