
Taylor Jayde

Ask @tayzzibaby

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If someone liked you, how would you like them to tell you?

Anyways is okay except if it's assholy haha
But I find the cutest way would be if they took me on a adventure for fun and then make a crown of flowers and turn to me and say "I like you will you be my princess" and if that ever happens oh my god I'd melt from feelings overflow haha and yeah 😍

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What was the last concert you went to?

The big ass tour. A day to remember, the amity affliction, motionless in white and hands like houses played. :)

How do you feel about snow?

I dont know from what I've seen on tv and photos it's lovely but living where I live causes me not have never seen it Or experienced it so I have no idea on how I really feel about it.

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

It would be great if I could time travel but my body changed to go back to that time so I could change the way I felt with things in the past cause I already knew my future until now.

What are you a “natural” at doing?

Fuck i dont know i can't even breathe properly without almost dying haha I'm not good at anything 😹

Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Vampire. But definitely not one of the fairy vampires off twilight haha. 😹✌️

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

Oh god 😹 I'd probably be the ugliest guy 😹😹 I'm already a ugly girl 😹😹

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

My first concert was sleeping with sirens, it was pretty great but I did get some rude people who called me a slut and threw my friends phone somewhere.

What have you learned today?

That some guys don't listen when you tell them you don't want a relationship;-; they will ignore that fact and anger me ;-;


Language: English