

Ask @tbaylor00

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What is the next big thing that will blow people’s minds?

That being judgmental and hateful isn't welcome under any circumstance and does nothing to better society as a whole
Pretty far-fetched, I know :o
Liked by: Jaya Bear

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What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

5:30 because schools be like "Ah, these kids don't need sleep"

because that person couldn't use urbandictionary as their URL since that's already a real website

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Liked by: chen

Who is your favorite Star Wars character?

General Grievous.
I mean come on, who wouldn't to be able to hold four lightsabers at once?

How often do you draw?

Whenever I get the chance, usually, but mostly at school.
Just a bunch of little doodles, nothing too spectacular.
Liked by: Jaya Bear

Why would someone want to go on a space trip?

To hopefully find a new planet with new resources to live on and form a civilization where society doesn't constantly judge everyone.
We can't ever truly reach utopia, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.
Liked by: Jaya Bear


I'm assuming this is Eric
Vincent was referring to the fact that you would probably have a party in October instead of September for some reason


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