

you r younger than me, mine is june :D wufff I won't see ADC too... anw, since when you live in Indonesia?

i've lived here since i was born, ever since my grandparents moved here from china haha

Latest answers from Kimiko

Do you have plans for Mini-Chanyeol yet? I am dyyyyyying omg -insert exaggerated death of a fangirl-

hi! not yet, maybe though. we'll see!

update Baby Sehun! dong my fave author hehe

uwahhh i'm honored! but i don't think i can, not any time soon. my brain is currenty dead and exams are next week ;-;

dont leave, pwease? hehe. is Indonesia's education system that bad?

feel free to disagree, but i think it's quite... behind as compared to other countries. i went to an international middle school then finished my high school with an IB diploma and when i entered university i felt like it was basically a nap as compared to what i had to do to graduate with my diploma. so yeah, i think this country's education system does not give room and space for the young generation to grow. but that's just me so yeah :3

since you was born? really? but you cant speak Bahasa fluently, right? ._. I think you just doing exchange in here. not expecting you've live in here for 19 years .____.

hmm.. my bahasa is ok i guess. i'll be leaving soon. if i can exchange i probably won't do it here, haha. indonesia's education system isn't for me.

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