

Ask @thatchickkelcie

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Are you pro-zoo? Or are you one of those people that think animals shouldn't be locked in cages for our enjoyment?

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
I think zoos are so stupid. how would you feel being locked in a cage all the time? animals are meant to be in the wild.

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If you're in a relationship: Are you actually happy or are you just comfortable?

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
you should be both. you should be completely happy with your significant other and you should also feel comfortable around them.

Do you think a lot of people online claim to have an illness, such as anorexia, depression, etc, for attention?

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
yes I do believe many do do it for attention. but also a cry for help

Do you think the song All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor skinny shames people? Do you think people have taken that too far by making a big deal out of it saying 'fuck the skinny bitches.'

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
no. not all. everyday I hear skinny people commenting on bigger peoples weight. if skinny people are able to then so can bigger people.

Do you believe the quote: "You are not pro-life if you'd force rape victims to carry to term. You are pro-rape."

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
hmmm, I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

I'm going to spam a little bit again tonight. Let me know if you don't want to be included in my spam anymore and I'll remove you. Have you seen Nicki Minaj's video for Only? If you have, what do you think about it?

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
no I haven't! I don't even think I've heard that song yet!

If your son/daughter told you they wanted to change their identity, how would you handle it?

jordannnnellis’s Profile PhotoJordan.
I'm assuming you mean their sex? but I would be perfectly fine with it. as long as they're happy, I'm happy

If you could have lunch with 5 people dead or alive who would it be?

robin williams, miley cyrus, sam hunt, brett eldridge, and luke bryan

Wanna help humiliate and expose my ex on Twitter? His name is Ricky and he has a foot fetish. He LOVES to smell and lick girls socks. He also has a HUGE weakness for girls feet in black tights. He even likes to lick girls boots! Please put him on blast and tweet him! His twitter is RwEightyFive

you're a pathetic lowlife bitch. I'm damn sure he deserves better than your insensitive ass. ✌️


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