

Latest answers from Shelby

Why don't you talk to your other siblings?

I talk to my only blood sibling often. My sisters siblings and I have lost communication over the years. We're at different places (relationally and geographically ). Although we're not blood siblings, I still love them and hope they're doing well in life.

The p.o box address you sent me

oh shoot! I haven't checked my po box in awhile. please forgive me. I'll check it tomorrow. :)

I wrote u. It was kinda sad. You didn't reply I figured my sadness frightened you! Sorry :(

wrote me where?! and when??

No. Not really big on social networks, but I have a twitter and fb. A creep I am though since you can't truly confirm that I'm being honest. lol. I completely understand.

so how'd you find my ask account? o_O

I don't know :/ . you'd really just have to decide for yourself, which it's easy to think I am being that I'm some anonymous stranger. haha. But I can surely tell you that you don't know me & I don't know you in all honesty.

do you follow me on any social networks?

lol. yes, creepy. but as long as the person isn't a creep, right? lol, I'm not.

how do I know you're not a creep? how much of a stranger are you?

have you ever wanted a penpal? lol. I ask bc I love writing & always wondered what it'd be like to share my life or thoughts w/ a stranger.. someone just genuinely interested in who you are & what shapes you. Sounds like something that could be made a book, maybe -- "Dear Stranger" lol

i would LOVE a penpal! i've always wanted one with a stranger. Kinda creepy, yet cool. Lol.

Language: English