
The A Team

I am 13 and I live with my dad. I am really nerves about asking him about puberty stuff so could you give me out?

Aww I know that definitely can be an uncomfortable position for you but, no matter how uncomfortable you may feel it's a good convo to have so you can be aware! If you're a female I can certainly see why you wouldn't want to go to your dad so if you have any older cousins or aunts to talk to that may be a more comfortable route and if you're male your dad would be the best person to talk to and you know what... he'll respect that you're coming to ask more than anything so go for it! If you're a young woman and you have more questions email us! theateamtalkshow@gmail.com ;-)

Latest answers from The A Team

I have been dealing with a insecurity issue of mine for a long time and that is the feeling of not being enough. How do I get over that? I am not ugly and its not like I dress all types of crazy, but it's like I struggle with validation. Again, please help I would greatly appreciate it.

Hi! Well first let me just say that we all have dealt with or are dealing some insecurities so you're not alone. Next I feel you should pray and ask God to show you where that insecurity came from and pray against it! We as humans are often set up to want some form of validation however if your need for it trumps the reality that God made you in his image which is perfect, not in the sense that your are perfect , then you have an issue there.. The only validation you should seek is from God and make it a constant prayer for God to make you whole and fill any voids that you may have and I promise you he will! ;-)

Hello A Team! I have 2 questions. Is the A team an LLC? If so how did you go about filing for an LLC? I'm trying to get my company started as an LLC and don't know where to begin!

Hiii! As of now we are not but we will be offering products soon so we will be! But no problem you can go to https://www.sba.gov/content/limited-liability-company-llc and it will tell you everything you need to know. The first step you'll need to do is go down your county building and get your business name registered in your state make sure it is not already taken. Hope this helped you! ;-)

I don't have a question but I wanted to say. Keep doing what you're doing!! You all are so cool and down to earth. Never give up because you never know who's paying attention. I pray that your talk show ends up on tv one day. That would be so cool! May God continue to bless TheATeamTalkShow!

Wow! Aww I thank you so much! That is really encouraging to hear and I hope it does too...it's definitely a goal for me! I appreciate you more than you know! Love you and pray for us! God bless you! ;-)

I just want to say I'm proud to see a group of young women building an empire and starting a new trend...but my question is how do u guys do it ?

Thanks so much!! I really appreciate the encouragement. Honestly God has definitely been with us every step of the way, as we have remained consistent, dedicated to the project and pressed through the obstacles, he's shown us that our dreams are attainable. We've been granted so many opportunities so I Can truly say I've seen his hand in my plans and I'm grateful. Our part has been being consistent,doing the work, and watching God allow it to prosper. Support from friends and family definitely gives me an extra push...so we still have some ways to go but I'm excited where we're headed! Pray for us!! Xoxo

How do I tell my parents I'm gay?

Hi there! Thanks so much for participating! First let me say as a believer and a Christian we do not believe homosexuality is right but what I will say is that if not your parents talk to someone you're close to, you trust and perhaps someone of spiritual guidance to let them know how you feel. I'm even willing so if you have any questions, talk or whatever it is! theateamtalkshow@gmail.com
I'm praying for you!

Why support a show which exploits these money hungry pastors?

Exploit money hungry pastors? If you meant promote money hungry pastors the answer to your question..I don't support a show that promotes money hungry pastors. I'm not sure how you the came to the conclusion that they are, in fact, money hungry unless they've come to you and personally told you that they are or if you knew them personally. I guess if you're someone who doesn't fully understand the capacity in which each of them have served God and their ministries you would think that. I will never understand how people think they can't be preacher/ bishops and also have success. For some reason people think there should be no such thing....when you take care of Gods people and his house he'll take care of you period and that's a fact! I don't know any of them personally except one so for the others, you or I don't know if that is or is not the case and it's not my place my or anyone else's to question to legitimacy of their ministries or pockets. It's not fair to even suggest that unless you know for sure which I'm quite sure you don't as it is equally unfair to think that they can't have a platform such as a "reality show" to do anything other than reach souls and show their realities. Thanks for asking ;-)

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How does it feel to be apart of a tv show that is premiering on prominent network such as Oxygen?

Being apart of the event last night was such a great experience and honestly I felt like I belonged there! Since the start of this project God has been with me every step of the way and has allowed me to literally run into opportunities because I'm am staying consistent and no allowing small bumps to detour me. I am so Grateful and all I can say is stay tuned for what's to come!
Thanks for asking! Xoxo

What three books have most impacted your life and what books are on your list for 2015?

I honestly could only name 1 other than the bible and that's The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Its a great book you should check it out! I need books that keep my attention..do you have any suggestions?

My mom started going to my church 29 years ago. My siblings and I grew up there. We have been in every ministry the church had along with my mom being the choir director and armor bearer for the pastor. what advice would u give on having parent in leadership role?

LOL I know about this all too well. I know how irritating it can be when your parents want you to be apart of everything especially if they're an intricate part of the ministry. My advice is to support your mom in supporting the Ministry and you'll be rewarded for your consistency and the sacrifice of your time as well as your mom. Also I can honestly say looking back if I wasn't so involved in my church home I probably wouldn't be as far as I am in life. It kept me busy, out of trouble and from hanging with the wrong crowds! ;-)

Language: English