
Katherine Mitchell

How does counseling work for this?

You can find therapists in your area that have experience working with trans patients (if you want me to help you look, DM me!). Then, you can be open about how you feel about gender and how it impacts your life. Privacy laws mean they can't share what's said without your permission, even if you're a minor.

Latest answers from Katherine Mitchell

What do you think of r/kappa

it's a miserable cesspool of the worst the fighting game community has to offer. the one out of every 10 posts that isn't somehow racist or misogynist can occasionally be entertaining, if you have low standards

I've been really depressed lately and I'm really not sure if i can handle a few more years without being able to express myself. Any advice?

It's a rough situation to be in. If there's any way you can do it in private, even if it's just online, do it. Cope however you gotta.

i want to smother you with macaroni and cheese and then take a picture of it and put it on instagram

can I eat it after

Thank you ;; It's been more than a year and I've just been more and more discouraged with every passing month. It really helps to hear that from you ;w;!

I'm glad I can help. ❤️

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