
Vidya Sethi

Ask @theetemptress

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A16 year old girl should be?

1) Avoid the corsets and crop tops please. It's not attractive.
2) Use the make up colors in craft classes.
3) Should be drinking protein shake not vodka.
4) Your display picture is half of your breasts. Sure your mom is proud of you.
5) Enjoy school and doing stuff with friends. Writing about your relationship issues on Facebook is a no.
6) Stop calling each other bitches. Dude no, I am THE bitch.
7) Blow bubblegums not boys.
8) Read girl, read.
9) Stop showing off what you got with your daddy's money.
10) Stop stop stop trying to be famous. You lose too much in the process, darling.
I might get too much hate for this, but oh well look at fifteen year old these days. Everyone can do what the fuck ever they want. When I was fifteen I played Nintendo and read Marvel.

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your answers are Amazing 🙈

HusnainKazi’s Profile PhotoHusnain
I was just going through my photos and I found like a thousand self portraits I've taken before. People who aren't connected to me on facebook don't have the idea that I used to have a photo journal and there are so many unedited, raw images that I haven't posted. Might as well start posting/ shooting again.
your answers are Amazing


I'm so fucking annoyed right now. Don't you understand the irony, you dumb human?! It's hilarious how you take all the questions about sex and men as a matter of concern when people out there are dying and starving! So I'm old fashioned and my ask is boring because 'I don't PAP too often'! and I'm a nympho because I have healthy sexual interest? What the fuck has women empowerment got to do with men, affairs and a healthy interest in sex? Stop being a ridiculous hypocrite and dare you use the word empowerment when you barely understand it's meaning. I don't understand how you feminazis come up with statements that contradict your own opinion! For example, everyday on this ridiculous website I see people talking about hook ups, liking useless TBH and other utter crap and bullshit, making and breaking relationships every twenty days with their answers filled with PAPs and comments on how much they love their boys/ girls and you all liking that when twenty days later, "We broke up so what? Get over it!" Every girl on ask now rants on bisexuality because Aalia F is bisexual. You, writing behind that screen with a tick and self made assumptions makes you think you're the sorted human?
Well, here's to bursting your bubble. I fall in love with a hundred different people everyday. Why? Murakami heals me and I love his ideology, Osho taught me acceptance and for that I'm head over heels in love with him, Deepak taught me that someone else can love me for than I do to myself and I fucking love him, Ian Somerhalder is a naturalist and animal rights fighter and I wish we were married, Anu has been with me through thick and thin and I love her more than I love my mother, Sylvia taught me that there is beauty is depression and I wished I was bisexual, Nidh shows me how beautiful literature can be, Abhinav had given me the patience to give people more than they think they deserve, Junaid genuinely makes me smile, Dollay makes me proud. Tell me now, how can I not fall in love with all these people? I don't go about hooking up and fucking a new man every night and EVEN IF I DID, stop being a prick and keep your judgemental little ass far far away from me. I'm very much with a guy in my head right now and no one has the leverage to be with me or fantasize about me either, until I continue to be in love. That's my level of commitment for the people I love. So you can go take your ridiculous opinion to like people with JAWlines like the shark or whatever!

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