
The Josh Speaks

Hey josh, in the beginning of the school year, I used to talk to this girl and we were good friends until I asked her to a dance where she said no, ever since, we've barely talked, any advice on how to start back up the relationship?

hey, it seems like asking her might have made things awkward. A good way to get things back on track would be to start talking to her regularly and to get into a normal groove where talking is normal for you two. The more distance between you two that exists, the easier it'll be for her to continue feeling like its awkward.

Latest answers from The Josh Speaks

Your opinion about clothes for dogs. Is it really needed?

I don't think it's really needed unless it's cold outside, I'm sure even dogs appreciate a jacket when it's freezing

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life?

Feelings are mentionable and manageable and you have what it takes to be somebody great

What creative things do you have in your room?

The most creative thing I have in my room is definitely a zen garden

Thoughts on people who constantly post about how they are single on Instagram

I think it might be a cry for attention, some people just feel lonely

Are you doing morning exercises? Which one? 🏼♀

Every morning I stretch before I get out of bed

Which superpower does not make any sense? why?

The ability to fly, why fly when you can do things like teleport or freeze time

Why do some students do not continue studies after graduating school?

I think some students realize that further going to school isn't the right move for them

Language: English