
❁ shιℓσ ❁

Ask @theycallmeshii

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dearest anon, please fuck off and get yourself a freaking life instead on sending hate anonymously to girls you don't even know. Go fuck yourself.


is ur name rlly shii? isnt that a stripperz name? bxch lmaooo

1. It's short for Shilo.
2.Your grammar and spelling physically hurts my head...

Do you currently have a crush?

I do c: he lives millions of miles away tho ;-;
ain't nobody got time fo' dat.

Goodnight, Beautiful... Sleep Tight <3 Don't hurt yourself anymore.! Someday you'll come to Florida and I'll get my chance :D

D'aw, Goodnight perfect <3 c: ilysm why don't you ever come off of anon? D:

omg ur my favorite person on ask officially <3 no one should bully u, ur too inspiring.

Some people just bully others for entertainment, so don't give them the reaction.
I love you babe, please stop hurting yourself? <3

cuz im getting bullied and i just want to die. i have self harmed and im bulimic now cuz everyone makes fun of my weight and looks and i just feel so alone. have u ever done any of that??? i feel like killing myself nd im home alone for the night so nows the perfect time..

Well listen to me, You're never alone. Ever. I've been there, I'm not there now.. but i have been. I don't like to admit it, as alot of people, even my childhood friends are clueless to it, But i have self-harmed. I haven't since the beginning of july... but i have done it. I've never had an eating disorder but that doesn't mean i don't feel uncomfortable in my skin, people tell me i'm skinny or just 'curvy' but i feel like a blob.. i mean, i never call myself fat out loud but i do feel like i am. you're beautiful. your scars make you who you are... and that person is a strong, brave human being. i've been contemplating on killing myself since i was nine years old, of course back then i didn't believe i was serious about it... now i know i am... but you know what keeps me here? my friends who need me.. my friends who have no one to go to... my parents who need me.. my mother who tried forever to get a baby, who lost one of her own already... my father who lost his other daughter months ago when she decided to block him out of her life... who doesn't have anyone to love but me... i need to be there for them, and that's why i look away from the knife and the rope. I know at time like this, you think death is the only option... but, Babe, you've never been more wrong... theres someone out there for you, and theres someone out there who NEEDS you... do them the favor of being there.
If you ever want to talk about anything, i'm always here.. don't be shy to come to me off of anon either. you can always kik me(call_me_crazy13) <3

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Liked by: JayCe Wanstrom


Language: English