
Thordeus Plikt

Ask @thordeusplikt

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Which party would you vote for?

Being only eligible to vote in the viking realm gone wrong known as Sweden, I'll assume that's the context of the question.
No matter which party we vote for, they will more or less swim left eventually. The swimming classes around here only teaches left-handed swimming techniques. Or as someone cleverly put it, "Cthulhu swims left". It happend to the Moderates (earlier our "most" right-wing party) and it's happening now to the Sweden Democrats. I once stated that Sweden has no political right, only left and more left, and it's perhaps more true now than ever.
This is primarily due to conditioning from the mass media, the school system etc. that teaches us to view life though the lens of radical leftism. This happens long before we're old enough to vote. By that time, it's thoroughly cemened in most people (and if not, it's reinforced 365 days a year, decade after decade). A few here and there will have an adverse reaction to the programming (sometimes more if the mass media is unable to hide certain obvious problems in their usual smoke screens) but the vast majority will unknowingly accept most of it without resistance. Thus the questions and words we formulate to combat supposed problems lead us astray from the very beginning. If the questions are wrong, then so naturally are the answers they spawn. Once the right starts using the same words as the left, it's only a matter of time before they start thinking like the left. Words are powerful tools for your mind and you become what you eat to speak.
As such, I concern myself little with which party to vote for since it's more of a question if I should vote at all.
Instead, my concern is primarily with how to gain control of the mentioned hegemonic environments that perpetuates the social order of cultural marxism.
That's where the real fight will be. It will be a party. Enjoy the cake, but be sure to bring a sword. Nature frowns upon the idea of something for nothing.

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Which party would you vote for

Which is your favorite TV show?

I tend to like the (pre)historic & the post-apocalyptic. While I won't name absolute favorites, new shows such as "The 100" & "Revolution" have interesting concepts in the post-apocalypic sense. I've only seen a few episodes of each yet though & it's ultimately all in the execution so don't blame me if they quickly turn bad, okey? ;P
I also like the Stargate series (SG-1, Atlantis, Stargate Universe). It reminds me of a world where there were still unknown continents to discover. The character Daniel Jackson also evolves to become a decent warrior-philosopher archetype as the series progresses.
As for the more historic, I like Rome, Vikings, Game of Thrones (okey, fantasy, but historic setting), Le Comte de Monte Cristo (mini-series) etc.

What is your favorite story your parents told you?

My father often told me about his military service in one of the elite units of the swedish armed forces. Approximately one year military service (exact time depended on the position you were assigned) was mandatory until somwhat recently so it was a rite of passage that more or less all men went through. Friendships for life were forged by the shared hardships. Boys often grew to be men right then & there.
What is your favorite story your parents told you

Why do traditionalists prefer rural living to city life?

We have the essence of the hunter/farmer within us. In the city, the closest to hunting is stalking your neighbors dressed up chihuahua. The closest to farming are flowerpots on the balcony. It represents a deep disconnect with our ancestors.
Do you know any unhappy cavemen? Didn't think so.
Liked by: Veronica Johansson

Language: English