

Ask @tillersbff

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It doesn't seem like Tyler even likes you..

I don't know who you are but you're crazy. Tyler loves me. He tells me every single day. Yeah, he may not wake me up with sweet text messages, or tell me I am beautiful everyday, or anything romantic daily. But you know what? That stuff doesn't even matter. It's the actions that matter the most. It's the things he does and says in person. Things over the Internet and over texting have no purpose. He tells me he loves me IN PERSON. He tells me I am beautiful, IN PERSON. I love Tyler and he loves me. He is the most handsome and caring person in the whole wide world to me. He is the best boyfriend in the world. Yes we may bicker and sometimes even fight but every couple does. The important thing is that we stay together. I love you Tyler if you read this. You're the most amazing boyfriend in the world.

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It doesnt seem like Tyler even likes you

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Language: English