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Latest answers from TIMOT ΛNΛNTYΛ

What is one thing that happened in your life that without it happening, you would never be where you are today?

recklessly registering myself in Universitas Indonesia as a student of Master Degree of Humanities. if i had not registered myself in 2012, i would never been in Balairung Universitas Indonesia today to participate the graduation ceremony as a Master on my field education.

Do you remember life without technology? What was it like?

i do! i was twerky like annoyed, because … i won't be able to make myself a twinnie like diiizzzzz #huftness yhaaa

Kalo anjing suka sama tikus. Tapi tikus suka sama angsa. Jadi keledai harus nungging dmn?

reymarshall’s Profile PhotoRey Marshall
nungging aja di atas si anjing sambil nontonin tikus sama angsa. lagian kenapa si keledai pake nungging segala sih, Rey?! 😡 haha

selamat liburan ka motmot. have ya! smga bsa refresh pulang2 jakarta.😘😋🙌

evaadelia’s Profile PhotoEva Adelia
amin. gimana sih caranya biar gak refresh abis dikasih kesempatan liat yg beginian ?????

ciew.. ka motmot yg liburan. ihiww~ ngilangin penat thesis yah? sampe kapan ituh di bangkok yah? jd anak mantai banget dong. 💃🙆

gausah ngingetin yg nggak-nggak dulu deh! 😡 hahaa

Lagi liburan ya? Seru liatnya

alhamdulillah. rejeki gak boleh disia-disiain yakan yhaaaa?! 😚

Hay kak timmy, gmna mlm minggunya ?

nyelusurin hutan di pinggir pantai. gelap nih gak ada lampu. help!!

Language: English