

Ask @tmbeastfeefee

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whats your opinion on self harm?

I find it upsetting that people feel that unhappy with something that they're left with that option. No one deserves to be unhappy.

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Do you like that @GemSmi32 bitch? Haha. I don't think anyone does. She's so ugly and fat

I do like her. Shes never done anything nasty to me personally and shes always been nice to me. She is not fat and ugly at all, she is far from it. Its me you should be saying that about haha

why r people asking your opinions on others?

I don't know, I've seen others get similar questions so maybe they think they'll get "beef" from this lol

Opinion on AnnaAbingdon?

Nice girl, really great to chat to and her ask.fm is bloody entertaining! :)

I get bullied and its makin me feel really depressed and just wanna cut so bad. what they say to me really gets to me so bad :'(

Dont let the bullies get to you! If you cut or do anything to physically hurt yourself they'll know they've won. I promise you you're the better person and are strong enough to forget about them xxx

wat do you think bout the amber nd anna situation?

They're not friends..I hardly consider that a situation looool they dont like each other, what's the big deal?

u give great advice, how do u know so much?x

I've been down the same road. I want people to be happy x

wats ur opinion on the tmb fandom?

Well, some of them are absolutely lovely, but then theres others who...aren't so nice. Its basically gone to shit, the whole fandom is just like Jeremy Kyle shit most of the time

I really need help. I feel so low that I wanna die and just kill myself. no one knows about this, should I say something? x

Definitely, I promise speaking to someone helps. Maybe see your doctor who can get you an appointment with a councillor, or if you don't feel like doing that, talk to someone you trust. They can help. Going through depression alone isnt easy x

You're so sweet and kind, and idk you might know how to help me through depression and self harm? I seriously need your help x

Thank you, and of course I'll help! When things get bad, you just need to think, although this situation is bad, it will get better, I promise you, hurting yourself isnt the answer, you have people around you who truly care for you and you mean a lot to them! X

y did anna get dragged in the tmb fandom row?

I really dont know, shania was just in the mood for arguing with everyone I suppose looool

what do you think bout the whole shania nd amba thing? x

I personally think shania is a two faced bitch who wants attention, but at the end of the day its between them 2 and obviously amber is my best friend so I support her of course #TeamAmber plus that news died down now since stef dm'd amber which shut shania up loooool

u seem so happy, what makes u happy coz I feel so low :( x

Seriously, im not happy, and if I'm honest, I havent been for a while, but I really hope you feel better soon! X

what are your opinions on self harm and suicide?

I think its sad that people feel like physically hurting themselves will get rid of the emotional pain. I just want to help every single person who feels like this :(


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