

Ask @tnithiyabalan4

Who is your idol? why?

I don’t have one tbh. Dont place people on pedestal so you won’t be disappointed by when they let u down

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A portal to another world opens in front of you. You don’t know how long it will stay open or if you’ll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?And which world would you choose ? A reminder , you might not be able to get back again !

Yes I would choose to go. I feel like I’m not really living up to my full potential rn or experiencing anything new or good. Also unless you have ur own business we’re literally all just born in this world to work under a capitalist society with rich people profiting off our hard earned money. We go and do education for a couple of years just to work under someone as well, so this is why I would want to go to another ‘world’

Would you rather explore a new planet, or the deepest parts of the ocean? Why?

A new planet idk I think I’m scared of the ocean tbh

Why do girls love taking selfies in bathrooms of coffee-shops, restaurants and similar facilities?

For aesthetics

Language: English