

Latest answers from Tobias

What was the last time you were angry? What happened?

boro2 gw marah. gw pasang muka sinis aja pada ketawa:'(

wedeh narrow minded and accept reality.. set dah lu google translate?? 'is' aja noun wle

heh baby margaret ye bisa ae

lgbt itu apa kak? aku baru denger kosa kata ini please tell me about lgbt

lgbt stands for lesbian gay bisexual transgender. jd mereka kaya semacem komunitas yg isinya orang2 yang kaya gt.

wdyt of lgbt?

w salut sama mereka karena mereka berani ngungkapin diri mereka yg sebenernya and theres actually nothing wrong with it. indonesia harusnya udh bisa nerima orang kaya mereka sih kalo menurut w, and people out there shouldn't be disgusted by them. gw udh sering sih dapet pertanyaan macem gini but yea so people can stop being narrow minded and accept the true reality. #nooffense

Language: English