
Tonie Ramirez

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My mom: pregnant at 16 married by 17 and completely reliant on men in her life, a woman that abandoned me with my grandparents for 5 years and never told me goodbye when she left, then returned with news that she was divorced and moved 3 times without my knowledge, she gets mixed into the wrong things and doesn't know how to provide for herself. She's bipolar and doesn't know how to let her kids feel loved
My dad: a man who was a drug addict and alcoholic for half of my life and completely abandoned me until the age of 10, a disabled veteran who could barely walk, who's medication messed with him in ways I can't describe and living with his parents at almost 40 because he's unable to work, drive or provide for his daughter
My uncle: an alcoholic and drug addict that lost his wife, house, kids, and ended up in rehab for making bad decisions, and living with his parents because he can't find a job due to his past mistakes 
My grandpa Ruben: an alcoholic that has been sent to the hospital more times than I could remember and was told each time "one more time and you're dead" he's in the hospital right now...
My grandma: a women that cared so much and worried about her family to the point where stress got the best of her and produced a brain tumor that is still growing in her head and messes with her emotions, she can't control them... 
All of these people listed are the people that are in my life everyday... I just hope their habits and issues don't rub off on me even more than it already has...

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basically,your an insanely nice person who doesent deserve a single bit of this bullshit people are giving you. you stood up for what you know is right and everyone who says otherwise should choke on a foot long cock with herpies for dayzzzzzzzzz . you know who loves you. ignore all others. fuckery1

Cory Noreen
Thanks brothaaaaa

How com u & j nevr did anything

Well what had happened was his mom had a talk with me around the beginning of the second time we got together. Now I respect his mom, I always have an I always will. And the only thing she asked of me was to not get sexual with Justin. I understood and respected her wishes. So I never did anything with Justin out of respect for his mom and his family.

What's your favorite memory with briana

I have a lot but the one that immediately popped into my head was when it was her Cory me an Norman and we were all smoking and we were making the best jokes it was so funny. And we were like racing Tj Lisa Whitney and Jeremy to Lodi it was hella fun. And then when we got to the parking lot in Lodi we hotboxed her dads car cuz we were rebellious little fucks lol
Liked by: Briana


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