

Ask @toomsaa01

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I never realised there was lots of different types of wrestling matches whats the most common type

The most common type of match is the one fall match, so you basically win through submitting or pinning the other wrestler once

how long do wrestling matches last

completely depends on the kind of match but a regular match is usually 8/10 minutes I would say

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what do you reckon youve spent most money on for you wrestling hobby

100% my wrestling boots, in my opinion if you want to get into the ring and wrestle, boots are the most important bit of kit.... I couldn't wrestle like I could without my boots

why do some wrestlers war kickpads over their boots and why do some not and do you wear them when you wrestle

There's actually some debate over kick pads to be honest... many seem to think smaller wrestlers wear them to make them look bigger and some wear them when they generally use kicks as their defence however the issue is that it does provide the guys with an extra form of protection which is unfair, especially when they're up against the men that don't wear kick pads :/ The only protection you're supposed to have are your knee and elbow pads and to an extent your boots so I do think it's a tad unfair when wrestlers wear kick pads to be honest, it's not something that I have ever/would ever incorporate into my gear

do wrestlers use steroids as well as do you use steroids

there are many measures in place now across major wrestling companies as well as the indie ones which discourage and prevent the use of steroids, I am sure there are a minority of wrestlers who use them and I can assure you that I do not

do you wear boxing gloves when you wrestle

Nope, wrestlers don't wear boxing gloves, punching your opponent happens very little during a regular wrestling match

you said I quit match earlier but what is that

It's basically a no holds barred match where anything goes!! The only way to win is to make your opponent say the words "I quit", so both men basically batter the absolute shit out of each other!! It usually gets pretty intense and torturous, my most memorable I quit matches from WWE were JBL vs John Cena and also Batista VS John Cena.... John Cena won both of those matches, but for me, his fight against JBL was amazing to watch!! To be fair, I love most fights with JBL, ashame has retired really, thought he was an incredible wrestler :(

what do you reckon about cesaro and the way he got into wrestling

I'm a huge fan of Cesaro and definitely think his skills are so much more suited to professional wrestling as opposed to rugby!! I'm guessing that you know the whole ordeal about him being banned from the Swiss rugby team due excessive aggression and fighting and so he then decided to make a move to pro wrestling? I also love how he's brought some of his history with rugby into the wrestling ring e.g. some of his moves and some of his attire such as the bands around his thighs and rugby socks. I especially love his move, the "Cesaro Swing", especially when he did it to the Great Khali... what an amazing moment!! Also loved his match again Ambrose during the Trick or Treat Street fight!!

what made you start wrestling in the first place

I reckon I may have mentioned this before, but when I was younger I did many many fitness activities as a result of my dad's influence and one of those things was wrestling. When he passed away, I completely stopped doing everything, but as I grew older I felt like getting back into something that my dad wanted me to do, and one of the things that I enjoyed doing the most was wrestling, so when I got back to uni I decided to get back into it because there is an incredible academy in Hull!!

is it true that a wrestling ring is made of really soft wood had springs and trampoline on it

Nope, a wrestling ring is literally just hard wood and metal, no springs or trampolines or anything like that

how come wrestlers can attack + beat the living shit out of each other but if that happened between too normal people then theyd get into trouble and that

I don't fully understand what you mean? Do you mean "how come two wrestlers can fight, but when people do it in the street then there are consequences"?? It's because wrestling is controlled fighting in a controlled environment e.g. a ring and wrestlers are taught to fight safely. If the fight in a wrestling ring gets too out of hand, then obviously it gets stopped by the referee, whereas if two men are fighting in the street, then there is no way of controlling it and it can get out of hand!!

what you doing today

I don't know when you sent this, but I got up about an hour ago and had a big breakfast, I am travelling to Goole for a wrestling match today so just getting my energy levels up in preparation for the fight, just hoping everything goes well for me today!! Setting off about 4 because it's an evening show so hell knows what time I'll be back in Hull tonight! Need to get set up the ring and everything too :/

a "no holds barred match" sounds so scary to be in tho?

I do find it scary moments before the match but once the match actually starts I ease into it fairly well and get pretty confident in the ring... yes, initially it's pretty tough and scary but as the fight goes on something inside of me kind of comes out and my feelings of fear go away and I wrestle my very best until the end of the match!

what is your favourite type of match to do and whats your least favourite

My favourite match to do is probably a no holds barred match, I've never won one but I love doing them because obviously none of the wrestlers can get disqualified so the fight can get pretty insane given there's no restrictions on what you can do!! I also like that pinfalls have to take place in the ring to win the match, don't like it when falls count anywhere to be honest unless it's something like an "I quit" match. I wouldn't say there's any matches I don't like to do, the only time I didn't enjoy a fight was the hog pen one but that was only at the end when I got chucked in, otherwise the rest of the fight was pretty fun to do!!

is wrestling an expensive hobby?

Yeah it is unfortunately, training costs £20 a week which in itself is a lot and then you have to invest in things like elbow pads, knee pads, a decent pair of wrestling boots etc + if you've got a match in another city you've obviously got to pay to get there as well :/

do you prefer watching the major televised wrestling matches like wwe and TNA or are you more into the indie wrestling circuits

Definitely more into the indie wrestling, there are so many restrictions in WWE nowadays because of it being so heavily televised, loads of moves are now banned and blood isn't permitted in the matches anymore so I much prefer the freedom that wrestlers have in the indie circuits. I would have said I prefer WWE a few years ago, some of the matches like JBL vs Eddie Guerrero during judgement day in 2004 were amazing!!

hows your trampolining and wrestling going

I've not bounced in a while but won a bronze medal in my last competition in Newcastle which was May I think :D I'm so please with how my wrestling is going, I'm definitely improving!! Got absolutely thrashed in my last match though because I was fighting a bodybuilder turned wrestler and he was huuuuge!! He put me in a figure four leg-lock and forced me to submit :/

its mad that youve got on year of uni left hows it all going for you? Where you living this year

I know, can't believe how quickly it's gone!! Got pretty decent marks so far so hopefully I'll keep that up in my final year :) I've moved into a new house with new people, much prefer it!


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