

How does it actually feel beeing an emoticon on Twitch?

Feels cool. It was a bit surreal when it originally happened because I didn't campaign hardcore for it to happen. A based viewer of mine from 2012, WereGoose, submitted my face in the -- brace for this, gonna feel old typing this out -- "Suggest Global Emotes for TwitchTV" forum thread (back when there was a dedicated Twitch Forum, now it's the Twitch Blog).
Like 4 days later, a few Twitch Cops were lurking in my chat (which was a big deal because I was way smaller back then, like <300 viewer average), saw me going extra apeshit with the swag (because they were there) and asked "why is he trying so hard?"
The rest is history.
To be honest, I always find it interesting when new viewers come to my stream to discover -I'm- the TriHard face guy. Love finding out what context my face is used for external to the speedrunning/FGC channels on Twitch.
inb4 it's all racism. TriHard = EBT Cards Accepted For Turbo (no space)
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Latest answers from trihex

Play Yohi's Isaln Again Pleasea :3

Playing again after Wooly World. I want to introduce Yoshi's Island to everyone once they care about Yoshi. With Wooly World, Yoshi will be relevant to new games again, not some 20 year old relic.
Gradual release to relevance of my interests is best.
Don't worry, SMM marathons will ease up in about 2 weeks~

Not digging the slowmode some mods are pushing it super high i.e. it was 300 seconds at one time

I agree. Was testing ideas last week & am doing a new system. I'll detail it in this week's newsletter. But here's the recap:
- Originally, dynamic slow mode (+15sec per 1k people present; caps at 120sec slow @ 8k), with toggled sub mode every 20min for 5min at 10k+
^ This controls chat, but I know for poverty brothers it super sucks. Also somewhat gives paywall to communicate intimately. ;_;
Now, I'm going to go for this idea:
- 5-10sec slow mode always, with multiple anti-spam bots present. Mods utilize a 1-strike or 3-strike system. So if accidental, or being a shit, you'll get a purge warning, then 10min, then perma.
Logistics still being ironed out, but I promise it's all effort to make chat better. Also going to review all the PM request bans soon to undo some of the fraud bops. ;)

I enjoy your passionate Real Talks about fitness and weightloss. Are you ever going to introduce a daily fitness segment to your Real Talks? As an unhealthy person, I love the facts that you throw out about fitness that really help!

I'm still learning myself! I don't think I'm at a point where I can talk -daily- about fitness and not get repetitive or run out of topics.
It's fun addressing the context some may not see in affecting their motivation, but I mostly have like 5-10 big tips for staying motivated with fitness.
I -may- do YT videos about it eventually, but for now, I need to get this 6-pack to be a certified douchebag first. :-D

Do you think Nintendo will make Yoshi's Island Maker, like Super Mario Maker?

No. Yoshi is considerably cult status. The Yoshi series is recognized by most as one of the greatest games of all time⁽¹⁾, but its sales are rarely an indication that it justifies having a Mario Maker (GBA port sold less than SMB3, SMW, and even Mario 2 USA's GBA port⁽²⁾).
To be totally honest, I don't think any of the additions made to Yoshi games since the original contribute to making it better, so having that "variable art styles w/ respective physics" is a bad idea and would fail at a full-game spectrum⁽³⁾.
¹ http://www.ign.com/top/snes-games/7
² http://www.vgchartz.com/platform/13/game-boy-advance/
³ http://mynintendonews.com/2015/06/20/super-mario-maker-will-retain-the-physics-of-each-separate-mario-game/

what's a nigga moment ? :D

I semi-categorized all my YouTube uploads informally. Here's a loose defining of them:
• A Nigga Moment™ ⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾⁽³⁾ - classic rude exchange between me and my roommmates on-stream (usually during a serious speedrun attempt). Often resembling the original Nigga Moment skit from The Boondocks⁽⁴⁾. Generally, A Nigga Moment can't only involve me, must involve a 2nd person, else it's likely Real Nigga Shit rant instead.
¹ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8MAqjgtfy8trihex’s Video 128488637744 z8MAqjgtfy8trihex’s Video 128488637744 z8MAqjgtfy8
² https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woIHVkn0a7wtrihex’s Video 128488637744 woIHVkn0a7wtrihex’s Video 128488637744 woIHVkn0a7w
³ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ-YUioptbgtrihex’s Video 128488637744 iQ-YUioptbgtrihex’s Video 128488637744 iQ-YUioptbg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zhgwy9y5ttAtrihex’s Video 128488637744 Zhgwy9y5ttAtrihex’s Video 128488637744 Zhgwy9y5ttA
• Real Nigga Shit™ ⁽¹⁾⁽²⁾ - a new series, where I briefly monologue about a topic I'm passionate about, usually condescending towards the negative aspects of the subject. I'll sometimes use bite-size snippets from longer #RealTalks, if suitable.
¹ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ7xqltqRGEtrihex’s Video 128488637744 tQ7xqltqRGEtrihex’s Video 128488637744 tQ7xqltqRGE
² https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4YrqO6h5lQtrihex’s Video 128488637744 M4YrqO6h5lQtrihex’s Video 128488637744 M4YrqO6h5lQ
• #RealTalk - Used to be when I'd answer chat questions after a Yoshi speedrun⁽¹⁾, but has modernized into when I do an extended rant about a topic⁽²⁾⁽³⁾. You'll know it's a #RealTalk when I have notes prepared to keep a monologue focused with a conclusion⁽³⁾, rather then open to audience interaction.
¹ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihnTHTuJ2hotrihex’s Video 128488637744 ihnTHTuJ2hotrihex’s Video 128488637744 ihnTHTuJ2ho
² https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXUnlXjk_mMtrihex’s Video 128488637744 PXUnlXjk_mMtrihex’s Video 128488637744 PXUnlXjk_mM
³ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJhfsccyDHUtrihex’s Video 128488637744 EJhfsccyDHUtrihex’s Video 128488637744 EJhfsccyDHU

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trihex’s Video 128488637744 z8MAqjgtfy8trihex’s Video 128488637744 z8MAqjgtfy8

I've sent you a few messages in twitch.tv and now one in youtube about a permission to show your video in a convention in Finland. I'm sending you a message here just to try and contact you on all fronts, bc I haven't received and answer from you even though you said in stream that ull check pm's

My bad. I kept forgetting to reply at the gym like 10 times.
You have my full permission! :)
I won't ever put restriction on sharing my stuff. Go crazy! <3

I was looking if you had email for business inquiry I wish to know if you can dedicate one your stream for a friend of course you would get pay I don't wish to release numbers here but if you can answer me would appreciated

David Nimatuj
I never felt I was importnat enough to have a business email, but I realized I would've totally missed your inquiry if you hadn't sent an ask.fm too.
Ty, I'll reply back shortly, and now I made one! I'll add it to my twitter description soon.

Have to say thanks for the stream you did for the European guys, it was a nice change from being up at 3am trying to keep my eyes open to watch lol. Will there be any in the future?

Should be live in 2hr, so Euro-ish today. Tomorrow I don't have gym, so should actually be live at a Euro-time! It's slowly coming back together~

Language: English