

Ask @trishgoh

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It's hilarious how you're hanging out with so many boys now that you're single. Slut

fuk you I'm still not over my previous relationship so can you fuck off. can't even take the first step to being slutty.

Hallo hallo tbh u look like a Thai girl and I know u like to get groped by Thai boys in bangcock. Haha need to study soon. ALSO WHY U TAKE 4 hours to reply!

tbh i am not thai
tbh i dont like being groped by thai boys
tbh because stuDYING
tbh because u didnt even save my number
tbh okay
tbh i just replied your text

Wow you know me too well HAHAHAHAHAHAHA eh best of luck for the rest of your exams while I unofficially end tomorrow ;)

thank u faguette hahah I hate you. 6 more days till my next paper

um junior high is actually from 6th to 8th grade. You're in a fucking secondary school, get your facts right

"Junior high is known as middle school in some district" IN SOME DISTRICT NOT OTHERS.
Please make use of google and then come back. there are 1093199429 interpretation of it my dear. Don't come correct me. <3

I fucked your dad. He's so bad to you and your family :(

hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahaha you make me cringe so hard hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahhahahahahahaha.
brb going to share this laughter with my paps

Where do you usually study at?Where is a great place to study?

Aiya all the hv places I just named hahha. I use to like coronation a lot but they don't let you study there anymore. Coffee bean at guthrie house is really quiet and nice.

g9 is freshman g10 is softmore g11 is junior g12 is senior

don't think it works that complicatedly here but you are right too

Which day of the week do you hate the most?

I hate everyday till nov 19th when I'm fucking done with junior high.

Why were you dressed up in the picture you posted?

cause I thought it could be funny to walk around in that.
Joking erm halloween/clubbing

which part of holland v do you study at? (specifically the place you took the photo at with the swings?)

erm I study at like every place possible in hv from Starbucks to coffee bean to Wendy's to coffee club to barossa to EWF to dgood cafe < that's the one with the swing but they don't really let you study there

tbh we should snapchat more so I can send you more videos of tala and you're so pretty <3 and funny good luck for your exams

Love u x someone needs to check her snapchat now


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