

Ask @Peaceimout

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what wld be an ideal gift for a guy ?

honestly speaking? he will like anything if its from someone he loves. but you can also get anyth he likes. if he likes iron man, get him something that has to do with iron man

If he quickly look away after making eye contact for a few times, wat does it mean?

he is attracted to you or is interested or like you

[Whatsapp Dare] Dare you to tell your boyfriend that a guy that you dk walk pass you and hug you. ss and pap ♥

Hungryygirl’s Profile Photovenisseeee
i will get slapped and killed by him. so im not gonna

I bet you are the only one who thinks your laugh is "super horrific". If you think it is, then ur laugh is cute.???

alot of people say my laugh jialat


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