
kimkeyy (heidi)

Hi! :) is it easy to apply a teaching job there in Korea? I'm a preschool teacher and I want to apply a teaching position in Korea ^^

yes! and especially if you want to teach english, if your native language is english it's so easy. :D it's good to be really qualified though, with a degree and stuff. if you have that then it should be fine

Latest answers from kimkeyy (heidi)

heidi!! i was wondering when you bought jong's book you are selling >.< did you buy when you attended his agit concert ??

nope! i bought them for the first fansign. why?

So are you on a student visa or a teacher visa? They're so confusing!! How did you figure it all out ㅠㅠ.

you have to be on a student visa while you're a student but now i'm not a student anymore ^^ yes it is really damn confusing. i switch around a lot.

sometimes i see a certain member's fansite master attend another member's schedule..I'm always intrigued by this.. do they support all the members too?

well yeah of course! as much as anyone else. most fans love all of shinee haha. also fansites can exchange or sell their raw photo and video data to each other, or use it on april fools and shinee's anni stuff....just whatever reason. but overall, of course most people like multiple or all members :D i would support the other members even if i was a single-member fansite too!

How many times has jonghyun won? Is he still competing? Thanks btw :)

he won only twice ㅠㅠ sorry for the late reply orz

Is there any shops in myeongdong to get jonghyun's album or anything other albums?

there's tons of kpop shops in myeongdong but not all count on the charts so if you're buying a new album you should stick to the large brand-name shops instead of the small cluttered ones in the myeongdong underground shopping center and etc

how did you get to go to fansigns? i am travelling to korea for a month and it is my dream to at least attend one fansign :-(

you need to buy lots of albums and/or have crazy luck~~ buy the albums at the specified date at the specified location, each album counts as one entry. the more "entries" you have, the easier it is to win.

Hello!! I wanna ask, is jonghyun's fansign at sinchon (3/6) is open to public? (: (at the open area or in the mall?)

actually i believe it will be outside. usually the sinchon ones are closed and inside the department store but the notice says it will be in the uplex plaza o: woah

Was Jonghyun competing for the first place this week? or is the next? :c? I don't understand :(

he can win awards starting next week. work hard!!! vote and stream and watch the mv!!!

Hi heidi,i am looking for any short course in korea like 1 year course in natural cosmetic making or any skill course but taught in english, do u have any information?, thanx

many universities offer courses in english. but i don't know where to find specifically what you're looking for. just search universities and hagwons etc for classes taught in english i guess

Language: English