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Latest answers from McKenna

What do you do when you don't know the answer?

Try and sound as smart as I can until I can bs a quality story.

What are you terrible at?

I'm not terrible at anything if I apply myself to it. That said, I'm average at everything I do so that's suckish.

If there is one thing that you could change about the past, what would that be?

Like the world's past or my past? Please specify and get back to me in that one

What is your best question to get to know someone?

Either "what's your favorite color?" Or "what's your social security number?"

What's the weirdest item of clothing you own?

A BBC America shirt from Savers that only says "wanker" across the boobs. It has a nice fit though

What would you bring to a picnic?

Martin Luther King Jr.... He deserves a picnic now and then. Plus I bet he'd help me turn my life around.

Are you a leader or a follower?

Depends on who I'm with. If they're a leader, I'll follow; if they're a follower, I'll step up and lead.

Language: English