

Ask @twelveoclockoranges

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I wanna impression

"imy girly"
*makes too many inside jokes*
*goes on hairy chest*
*goes on roblox*
"wanna play questionnaire"
"we should chill sometime"
"Emily talks mad shit"
" your so weird"
*tries to poison Brittany w me*
"stalks ppl"
Liked by: Connor kir

Related users


"omg Dave......."
"Steph ily"
"red lipstick"
"Marcus is staring at you"
"so did U get any presents today"
*snoops thru her step dads things w me*
"omg Steph"
"he's right there"
"did he notice U"
"I walked back to school w him"
Liked by: Connor


*takes photo of miles*
"miles is so qt"
"same shirt buddies"
"omg irk"
*judges ppl*
"omg steph do you like Roland?"
"how bout tyriq"
"Ibrahim's so weird"
"not even funny tho"
"omg I have a phobia of blood"
"wanna get each other out?"
Liked by: Connor


*sings the Martian hop*
"do you like Marcus"
"U like tyriq"
"Are you guys dimple buddy"
"what did you get for this question"
"Stephanie stop singing the Martian hop"
"your so weird Stephanie"
"those skills tho"
Liked by: Connor


"hey squat"
*hugs me*
"what do U have next subject"
"bens so weird"
"omg Seth and jojo"
"steph your goals"
"we sould match tmrw"
"lets walk home together"
"are your boobs heavy?"
"you smell so good"
"bye squat"
*hugs me again*
Repeats 5x a day
Liked by: Connor


"wing wing herro"
"soccer awesome"
"and then he's like"
*brings up that he's good at soccer*
"what are U doing after school"
*gets hug rejected by me*
"U rejected my hug😒"
*buys me a gift*
"what do we have next subject?"
Liked by: Connor


"yo Pham"
"the deerbra"
"steph shut the fuck up"
*plays footsies during a test or class w me*
*does the Stephanie*
*talks too fast*
"so what did U get for this question"
"I hate when everyone sings all at once"
*sings blessings over, and over again*
Liked by: Sidg ibrahim Connor

Alex E

"am I hot"
"Why do U think I'm hot"
*does a flip and doesn't land it on purpose*
"I just came back from making out w her"
"I'm ugly af"
"so U think I'm hot?"
"your complicated"
*talks about how big his Dick is*
*shows off his abs*
That's all I can think of rn
Liked by: Connor


Jordann Kuczeryk
Ok damn, we were close friends in g6 we have alot reflecting on our friendships like all our songs our inside jokes ur really pretty despite anything iv said slot of shit out of anger toward U and if I could take it back I would we know each other inside out U helped me stop cutting U cared when I had nobody and I didn't do the same for U we get into fight that we don't even remember having started idly at the end of the day though we need to stop listing to what other ppl say I listens to b-mike baby don't cut 1000 times when we were in a fight and cried so hard I wasn't s friend to U like I should have been I have to grow up and notice that it was not right ily Danny we have so much too much to lose I can't fight anymore it sucks walking around knowing your hated or being talked about when I left heights I read my card and you signed it I cried all that night over it I have s friend named Jordan she reminds me of you slot I think that's why were friends I can't wait till h's to have my Danny back imy so much and I miss all we had despite how I have acted U still see the good in me that takes alot I have vanilla scented hand cream that smelt like yours I couldn't bring myself to use it because I knew it would make me think of U and how I left U there with no one I love U Jordann ❤💙

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Liked by: Jordann Kuczeryk


Language: English