

Actually, anonymous, YOU are the pussy. And you should be making fun of yourself if this is how you spend your time. Fuck off and pick on someone your own size, you literally sound like you're seven. "spray some perfume on your shit" woa das scari

sending u internet kisses
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Latest answers from Mallory

I would've been gone

tf does that mean? i havent done anything nor will ever do anything to hurt brianna. thats my girl.

it pisses me off like y r u guys going out of ur way to say mean shit to her are u stupid orrrr what

yea they r stupid

This is going to sound weird but i've been following you since your first pics...i dont even know u irl but ive watched u grow and change and u are truly beautiful<3 so happy that ur happy<3

awwwww omg this was so sweet thank you so much

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