
Emily Gera

Why do you live in England? It's a bit shit init

I will return to North America once I inject the remainder of England's men with necrotising poison and lay my eggs in them

Latest answers from Emily Gera

Wow. You are so beautiful and inspiring. Your absolutely stunning outer appearance is merely a reflection of your gorgeous soul and personality. I hope you always remember how amazing you truly are. Stay beautiful :)

Thank you Mom

today i went to the park and i saw these really cute dogs whose names were fifi and toodles and one was a dalmation and the other was a french bulldog or maybe it was a poodle im not really sure they were both adorable on second thought i think the dalmation was a cat idk i went to get toilet paper

I like toilet paper

Would you rather: listen to Nickelback on an endless loop for 24 straight hours or get shot in the butt with a tranquilizer dart?

I'd rather saw off my arm with the stump of my other arm than listen to Nickelback

What are you currently working on? Does it involve games? Love your previous work at Polygon.

Mike123taz’s Profile PhotoMichael Baginski
I'm making a game for a little indie outfit, a nice surreal existential comedy built in Unity. Looks just lovely so far.

Have you ever put away an entire KFC bargain bucket all by yourself?

Sometimes I just put a towel over my head then inhale that sweet chicken grease and astral project into space

Language: English