

Ask @typical_guy_here

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Good morning babes😘❤😊

nats83’s Profile PhotoNatalie
Life was great wouldn't change a thing. I had it all but with you I had more. But out of no where out of the blue our love turned into a war. Now you're gone and you've moved on and I hate the way I'm feeling..
Now the only way I know I can't get your off my mind. Keep a bottle so close that I leave it all behind. And I couldn't get enough girl I'm drowning drunk in love. I use to think. You'd never say it's over. I use to love you sober.
I'm in the floor cursing at the door. Broken hearted with a pounding head and I know I gotta let you go so the liquor helps me forget your name your face. This pain I can't erase...
Now the only way I know I can't get your off my mind. Keep a bottle so close that I leave it all behind. And I couldn't get enough girl I'm drowning drunk in love. I use to think. You'd never say it's over. I use to love you sober..

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Liked by: Kala

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Someone asked me if I ever missed you...
I thought to myself for a second and replied with..
Every damn day...


So here's my rant..
Guys have feelings. Emotions. And heartbreak too. It's not just a girl thing. Guys shouldn't be called faggots for being sad over a girl or for showing his true feelings for her. Yeah a lot of girls go for the bad boys but just end up getting played. Guys who show emotion and affection might not get the girl now but in the end that girl will be in love with him. Guys shouldn't be called pussies for wanting a girl to show them they aren't playing either. Girls expect guys to send good morning texts and post about them but why is it such a bad thing if we ask the same. In today's society girls are just as bad as guys and maybe even worse. I'm the type of guy who wants you to post about me. Text me first every now and then. So practically what a girl would call a "boyfriends" job. If you can't do that for a guy why should he do that for you. Stop expecting so much if you can't give it back in return💯

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Language: English