
Elizabeth Shaniqua

Ask @u_r_a_fag

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Well I have been noticing your pathetic excuse for a relationship as OH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and OH I LOVE YOU TOO BAE as in you two are going to slowly realize you two should have never meant to be end up breaking up your ass is going to snap and probably do some crazy while sage finally gets freed

I honestly barely understood a word of what that said. I'm gonna attempt to reply to what I think you said, Sage and I have NEVER said we love each other and we've been together nearly 2 months lol. I don't understand what the rest of that was trying to say so I'm not gonna attempt to reply to it

You are a psychopathic bitch who needs to get her head out of her boys friends ass and get a fucking social life you need to stop obsessing over your fucking boyfriend and let him be free I bet half of the girls on his friends list including me would love to get at your ass and beat it to a pulp bye

I am a psychopathic bitch, yes, thank you very much for noticing lol. I have a social life, actually, I just don't talk about it on facebook because nobody cares ((: I don't obsess over my boyfriend lol, he is free, he talks to everybody he wants to talk to. I don't actually control who he talks to because I give no fucks since I already know he doesn't want anybody else ((: If half the girls on his friends list would love to get at my ass and beat it to a pulp, I'd love to see them try ;*

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I love you Lizzzzz, its yo boy joshua just sayin hi ma nigga :D enjoyin that beard homie

ily2 (((: my beard was so cash tbh

its stupid cause your reason is that hes your boyfreind

no, that's not my reason lol, but my reasons are none of your business so ((:

so you can answer for him butt not for yoaurself?

What I answered for him wasn't even serious. If I answered a low number like that for myself, people would actually believe that, for some reason, so I'm not going to. I'm just not giving an answer because it's nobody's business.


Language: English