
Ujjwal Singhania

Trust me I won't keep the MUN in the holidays so that I can be SecGen.

Yes u know me
Let me answer this question in the form of bullets so you understand this clearly.
1. We decide the next board.
2. Refer to 1.
3. Refer to 2.
4. Everyone will hate you if you don't keep MUN in the holidays.
5. We decide the next Sec Gen which is inclusive of the board.
6. Even if you change the MUN date, I'll still make sure I take a break from uni and come just to rag you.
7. Check 6 and 5.
8. Read again.
9. Cry in a corner.
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Latest answers from Ujjwal Singhania

Which three things would you take to a deserted island?

Who needs three things? I would just want a boat to escape the island.

Sanidhya, abuzar, rahul Rodriguez and slade Gomez. Who is a better athlete?

From whatever I have heard/seen when I was in Vibgyor, I think Abuzar has a slight edge over the rest. All four of them are brilliant athletes, nonetheless.

im aware people abbreviate their names with food. vis cake, cupcake, pancakes, chocalate, chilly. WHY WOULD YOU USE POHA? im sure there's a story in there somewhere.

Hahahaha I didn't come up with ujjupoha. Meghnaa came up with the nickname. Yes, there is a story. So it was my first week at OIS, and some people called me ujju. During one of my classes with her, Meghna thought 'ujju' sounded like the name of a breakfast dish. So, she started saying various dish names which we eat for breakfast and suddenly stopped at poha. Then she said ujju and poha rhymed and hence the name 'ujjupoha' stuck. Soon, everyone started using it and that is how I came up with my ask.fm handle name 'ujjupoha'.

hello. i have tons of questions to ask, but no way to ask them (without smothering you with them) *eye rolling* Gah the irony.

Facebook me. Or come off.

which university do you wish to go to?

I have a long list. But my dream is definitely Carnegie Mellon. I hope I get in :3

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