

Ask @unicornsofchochang

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Would you consider it as cheating when that significant other is approaching someone else when s/he was in relationship, and dumped their partner for the other person after s/he is sure his/her feelings are mutual with the other person?

If you truly loved the person you were in a relationship with, you wouldn't go off and dump them for someone else. That just goes to show how faithful you are to your significant other.

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Why are you so sexy? How do you maintain your complexion?

LOL my complexion isn't even that nice irl

Oh wow... someone reported me just for posting on your page wow. just wow that anon better watch it

Don't fuel it

Who said it was the same Anon asking questions in the first place?

No one did. I don't really care either.

Just stop, that's all I ask...

You keep asking lol. The sooner you stop, the sooner I will. Needs to be a 2 way street.

Hello Anon, I feel like since you brought me up as well I should address you. You have got to be a downright hypocrite to keep asking Saskia questions about Xianna and then telling here to delete it and using it to threaten her with. So in simple terms please go about and mind your own business.

RayRayChu’s Profile PhotoRachel Fan
Ty x
Liked by: Sakshi Sharma

sorry... as in a guy that may not be hot for looks but respects everyone and has class and is nice, or would you prefer a really hot guy with an 8 pack but a douchebag? .. soz for confusion

respect is always something to admire

do you fancy men with respect and class but not as cute or hot guys with 8 packs but assholes? :)x

could you rephrase i no understand your q


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