

Ask @val_morgan720

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What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

Disney!! Because it's the happiest place on earth. Cameron and I both love Disney and roller coasters so it would be absolutely perfect if we went on a date there.

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Who was your first crush? Describe them.

I liked my brothers best friend Max when I was like 6. He was 4 years older than me,tall and ginger. My brother and him grew up together so he was always around. He's in the navy now.

What makeup can a guy wear 😂

Guys can wear any kind of makeup that a girl could wear. I've seen guys in powder and foundation but that's mainly for pictures or YouTube videos.
Makeup isn't usually a guy thing but there are some that wear it. Makeup doesn't know what gender you are.

I still remember those times on skype where i kept you up most of the time lol. Even though it was tough saying goodbye and you falling asleep in some of them it was a great year.

Fun times

Val you are the hardest working person in the world. I may have not known you long or your entire life but from the time ive known you until you came from a time that you were struggling in school into doing so much better! Merry christmas

Aw. Merry Christmas

Teacher: Why are you always tired val? Val: Because I stayed up doing my homework all night! 😉 I might of watched some netflix too

Die. And no cuz I work and homework and I have to see my friends too

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Shower. Then when your in there you could sleep and eat if you wanted owo

If you could time travel, would you go to the future or the past?

Past. I wanna meet my parents when they were my age!


Language: English