
Sylvie Valentine

What is your favorite month of the year?

December. Its when the ending feels like the beginning. hahaha no actually, theres always something good each month, its up to us to make it a good one :3 #eaa

Latest answers from Sylvie Valentine

Which countries have you visited?

So far; France, Italy, Spain, Russia, Africa, Hongkong, Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Germany, China, Korea, Dubai, USA and counting!

What does it mean when a man looks at other women when he is with his girlfriend?

It simply mean you both are being observant #justhumanthings

What song best describes your day today?

Krewella - Alive. Just did my first ever US flight and spent the layover with awesome like-minded peeps, felt real fulfilleddd and aliveee :D !!

hows your roster this month?

Its quite a good one! Mostly due to the awesome swap feature , main perks for graduated creww ^^

Kalo terbang kamu pake red lipstick merek apa dgn nama shadenya apa? Thx b4 ?

Suka nyobain yg lain jg tp skrg lbh sering make ini ;Giorgio Armani Lip Maestro
Kalo terbang kamu pake red lipstick merek apa dgn nama shadenya apa Thx b4

Probably this is such a silly question. But what colour of lipstick that u used on assessment day? Is that red shade?


Wooww saat q/a session ada cut off yg massive. Kira2 menurut mu kenapa mereka kena cut? Really need your opinion so i can prepare myself ?

Yup, don't overprep yourself,tar malah tambah nervous,

Language: English