
valerie kezia

Ask @valerieks

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itu bagus bgt gambarmu, knp juga ga ngelukis aja

Teremakaseh :3
Hemm sejauh ini sih ngelukis cuma pake watercolor._.

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Kak,pas briefing retret kakak dikasihtau ada outbond pas retret gak?

Hmm......lupa '-'
Knp tiba" nanya non

Gue gila anjir,gila akan lo tapi

Cukup byk yg dpt ask ini ya, hem.. Yg d ask jg ga ada satupun yg dokter rsj, salah orang ny cukup parah ya

knp ya aku gabisa ngewarnain sebagus kk :( kalo SAI kk warnain pake brush/pen/marker?

Kurang latihan mungkin~
Aku mulai digital (SAI) kls 8, jd setaon lah ya, mungkin km blm terbiasa (?)
Blakangan ini di SAI sih banyakan pake crayon, heheh

untuk skin pake warna apa aja kakk?

Apa nih, copic?
Trgantung wrna kulitnya sih, tapi ntar bisa ad yg d tambah"in ato d kurangin
'putih ke merah"an':
yr000 e00 r11 r12 r02
'hitam coklat':
e11 e34 e55 e15

mnurut kk gmn klo aku ngikutin style gambar kk?

Emang style ku uda keliatan yaa?? ;v;)
Mnurut ku sbaik ny jgn ngikutin style org laen, cari" sendiri dulu, jd kan kalo uda dpt style sendiri enak, tinggal d improve~
Nah tapi pas proses nyari/improve ny, bole la liat" refrensi gambar org laen asal ga bener" nge copy, kyk nentuin suka ny:
gitu kan bisa dpt inspirasi dr org laen :3
Yg penting cocok sama tangan kamu (?) hehe

Do I have to post that reference and tag her/his name so she/he will see it ? Theres no data or email

Where do you find/ how did you know the person? Instagram?? Well, just send it by dm (you know, that box, right top of the home page)

What does: "dm me with reference" mean ?

You mean like... For drawing requests or something like that?
Well if you want commission / a request from someone, that person needs to know what you want, right?
So send them a picture of the thing/character you want (for the request,commission,etc) by dm (direct message)
So that person can see if they'll be able to do it and use the pic as a reference


Language: English