
vania wilona

Ask @vaniawilona

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What are your top 5 favorite albums?

BELIEVE - justin b
XOXO - exo
love me right {repackaged album} - exo
kalo jb ada album baru it would be my 4th favorite
trs gatau lgi ariana's pnya la kali yg 'my everything' klo ga yg "yours truly"

its me, tbhh:3

reans yah, viana nya malu :3 hehehe
hai vi! 好久不见了。你好吗?
viana itu baik banget, she listened curhatan i very well dlu, skrg dipahoa dlu primary nya di ck... klo sd kita kemana mana bareng smpe di blg kyk kembar siam nempel mulu sama guru2 apa lgi nama kita similar banget vania, viana HAHAHA overall shes a kindhearted person, u r kindhearted person.
done i miss u 2 😚
Liked by: viana

What is more important - to be loved or to fall in love?

im still afraid to fall in love, bc im afraid to fall for the wrong person again. and to be loved is demoralizing.

What should people do when they get bullied by their classmates, or their friends at school ?

be strong ofc, be confident, be who you are. and dont care what people say about u, bc u dont give a f abt them. ignore and u'll never be happy if u worry about what people think of u.

What do you think of people who like to judged others ?

judging people itu ga defines who they are, but it defines who u are

Suka cowo yang kayak bgmana ??

my ideal types sih ... ada.. cuma yg paling important ya ofc dia harus punya great personality, gentlemen, good sense of humour, kind-hearted ofc, and loyal
klo sisanya.. ya cuma kyk dimata gua itu tuh interesting
1.if he got that innocent cute look and cool at the same time omgosh YES
2. if he can cook omg .. tpi kalo dia ga bsa masak ya gpp, tpi klo bsa it will be much better hehehe :)

If you were to get a tattoo today, what would you get and where would you have it placed?

i wanted a tattoos actually not just a tattoo ... i would like a music note gtu and it would be di bawah sblh kelingking and a really meaningful short quote ... it would be under my left arm

tbh sm desc I dong ciciii ;;)

ica icha ich-cha ..
baik bgt, u itu my adik kelas :3 shes kinda craycray, u tuh ngaku2 mrs dallas/mrs espinosa. chubby gtuh......
baik, ntik, chubby2, pinter katanya, her skin sawo matang... kalo teriak MANTAP 👍🏼
gatau nih mau jwb apa lgi cha, bonus wishes aja deh ..
goodlucks kelas 9nya, goodluck ntr ngerjain tryouts tryouts + goodluck UN ntr mudah2an dpt nilai yg memuaskan & bsa lulus dgn lega hati .. hehe <3
Liked by: Clarissa


Language: English