

Ask @veniassi

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What do you think when you look in the mirror?

I look a like Selena Gomez. I have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose and 1 lips. So do selena. We're twins!

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

Idc. I can just pick one of any boys if i want lol

Temenmu yg jomblo banyak yg dapet coklat tuh. Ke enggak?

"Lebih baik ditakuti daripada dicintai" -Osiris & Isis from The Enchanters

Apa pendapatmu tentang orang yg menganggap haters adalah fans tersembunyi?

Silly minded. Coba lo pikir aja deh, lo juga pasti pernah benci sama orang. Dan apakah lo pernah berharap lo bakal dianggap fans sama dia? Sama aja kaya lo ngatain mantan itu sampah, berarti lo sampahnya mantan lo juga dong? Hell boy

What is the most beautiful language?

Idk. Beside indonesian, I just... Understand english and little bit of korean....

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

Gramedia. Stole everything in my sight hahahaha otak maling


Language: English