
Ksh tip buat kurus dong kaa

1. Eat when you're hungry
2. Don't eat when you're stressed out, emotional, angry, worried or upset
3. Eat mostly real food, not food products or anything that you couldn't make at home
4. Avoid foods you don't like, even if you think you should eat them
5. Skip foods that are overcooked, undercooked, over-salted, overly sweet, or just badly cooked
6. Eat mostly fresh foods
7. Skip the iced water or cold drink before and during a meal
8. Eat people you like, where you like
9. Avoid watching tv when you eat
10. Stop eating when you're full
11. Breathe, chew and slow down
11 tips to help you eat food, enjoy it, and love the skin you're in every day
Liked by: Michael Warming
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Yaampun aku pikir km block aku huhuhu pantesan kok Ve gapernah ada di TL ku lg

graceeza’s Profile PhotoGrace Sirait
hahahaha kamu niat bgt loh sampe ask aku di askfm :(
aku ga block siapa2 kakakkk aku cuma lg rehat main ig😂

Lagi kangen sama seseorang pengen bilang tapi takut ngga direspon. What should i do?

masalah direspon atau engga itu belakangan, yg penting ungkapin aja biar lega.

kalo bosen sama orang harus gmn tuh??

gue ga pernah gimana2 sih, karna bosen tuh sifat sementara menurut gue. cari kegiatan baru aja biar bosennya ga berasa

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