
Vaida Plankyte

Latest answers from Vaida Plankyte

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Having friends that have the same particular interests as me & make cool shit all together. Music, writing, games. Maybe have a youtube channel? Who knows.

If you were in a fighting tournament against a man and you won, what would you say to him as you dragged him by his hair out of the arena into the back room where you were planning on beating him some more?

"this might be the last time we see each other. now, tell me. do you like hurting other people?"

what is the answer to this question?

i am answering the question but my answer references itself. recursion, kids!

Why do you make games?

Because I get to work with sound, graphics, logic and marketing; because I feel like I am making something and not stagnating; because it's fun and so rewarding to see something finally work; because you code behaviours but then every playthrough can be completely different, as if the game was alive by itself; finally, because I can talk about things that matter to me. :)

What is the one game you developed you are most proud of?

Probably Love Worker, since it feels "complete"; it's simple but always gets me excited when I play it. Talks With My Mom gets a special mention, as it's my first "personal" game.

¿Qué te hace pensar una persona que vive con su pareja y aún así tiene una actitud de acercamiento romántico, o lo que parece serlo, hacia otra persona?

Un acercamiento intelectual, platonico, una fascinacion para otros es inevitable y algo normal. Sin embargo, un acercamiento romantico es algo que podemos controlar. Si una persona se permite tener sentimientos amorosos para alguien otro que su compañero/a, es un señal que no esta satisfecha con su relación actual. (no incluyo los polyamorosos para facilitar la explicacion)

¿Qué acción consideras que sea un verdadero acto de traición?

Hay muchos actos que pueden ser considerados como traiciones, depiende de la gente. Yo no puedo soportar cuando una persona es hipocrita. Es una traicion de su mismo y de los otros. Un malo doble

Hello, I just wanted to tell you that you're a great person and that I love you. (No, this is not your girlfriend talking. Not at all, what do you mean you know it's me-shuttup)

thanks, anonymous person I do not know the identity of. ;)

Language: English