
Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

What problems did you have in school?

Secondary school: I failed Physics and Chemistry and had to redo the 5th year because of that [and personal reasons], I changed tracks so I got more languages and creative things, but then I still had a hard freaking time with Maths!
I had trouble motivating myself to do homework, hand things in on time, etc.
Art school: my hardest subjects in Photography were the actual photography classes, sometimes I didn't have any inspiration or opportunity to do what I wanted to do, so it was pretty tough. Art history of the last century was quite hard to get through as well, I much preferred Prehistoric, Medieval and Renaissance art history. Architecture was a draggggg.
Uni: The acoustic bit of Phonetics wasn't my friend. Keeping up with Japanese was quite hard as well, I didn't do as well as I would have liked. I think most of my courses in uni were okay though! Syntax and Syntactic Theory weren't the easiest but I did okay in them. I didn't fail a single class so I'm happy. The toughest was always reading articles & understanding them and for Interactive Linguistics it was transcribing and remembering the correct terms for analysis.
My biggest problems were/are always to make a plan, start on time, keep track of things and HAND. THINGS. IN. I only started to get that at some acceptable level in freaking last year. Time management, and keeping on top of things when not feeling mentally the best ever... those two things were my biggest hurdles.

Latest answers from Vief Cakes (IG: @vief)

Are you straight, gay, bisexual or anything else (or maybe it doesn't matter to you what label you have)? And if gay/ bisexual/ etc... , when did you discover it?

I discovered quite early that I am not straight! I think the first time I really liked someone was when I was in primary school, and it was a girl. I asked myself if it was possible that maybe I was gay.
Then in secondary school I just figured I was bi because I had crushes on both girls and boys and learned that that was called "bisexuality".
When I went to uni, I had been in a long term relationship with a boy, and even though I had the occasional attraction to girls, it wasn't really something I thought about. I've never hid that I am not straight, I knew it immediately when I had that very first crush back in primary school, but I never really set out to 'discover' what I was. I just liked people for who they were and not whether they were boys or girls, and never thought much about it.
But when that relationship ended, I actually ended up liking someone who didn't really identify as either boy or girl. So I knew I wasn't straight, but this also meant I wasn't bi.
So since that moment on, I decided to look into it more. I discovered that there was such a thing as "pansexual" and that's what I've been using to identify myself as (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ so when I meet cool genderqueer people I don't feel confused anymore, it makes total sense! In a way I always knew that I was attracted people for who they were and not their genitals, but I didn't really put a label on it. Now I have a better way of putting it! It didn't really matter for a long time and it still doesn't matter really, but it's nice to feel like I 'figured it out' eventually.
Also, I think sexuality is fluid so this might change in the future, but so far I think this has been true for most of my life. I just discovered it gradually, bit by bit, along the way!

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First of all I hope this doesn't offend you. I'm doing research for myself about the way people express their feelings/thoughts (most likely the dark ones) but what do you think is the best way to talk about your feelings and would you prefer a teacher, friend, colleague or parents/siblings? thank!

Hi, this doesn't offend me. Out of these options I would prefer a friend, but I'm always a bit wary because I don't want to burden someone I love with thoughts they can't help with, putting them in an uncomfortable position?
I wouldn't pick a teacher because they don't need to know about my personal life. Neither do colleagues really. In my personal situation I feel that my family is too close to me to hear them 'objectively' - it's complicated but I would not really feel comfortable myself trying to talk to them.
This is why a friend is always a better option, they know you better than teachers or colleagues do, but they won't always interfere the way close family does.
However, I would always recommend talking to a professional if it's something your friends can't handle, because a professional can give you adequate help that you might need, and also they can go home at the end of the day.
Another option is to find support from someone who is going through the same thing but isn't a personal friend, does that make sense? It can be very helpful to talk to someone who you don't know that closely.
Good luck, hope that helps!

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What would you most like to do if money were no object?

Become a mermaid and live in a castle under the sea~

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

Under the sea!
I have no idea though. I used to think I'd like the beginning of the punk era, or Victorian times. (for cultural and fashion reasons) But let's be honest, humans always suck no matter what era. So in the end I'd rather pick somewhere in the future, maybe then all that "ok you would look fabulous but you couldn't vote/go to uni/basically you were a babymaking machine" kind of stuff won't be an issue.

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"I'm going back to sleep, my alarm is set to go off in an hour byee zzzzzzzz"
I hate when I wake up too early. Messes me up!! And I am *so* tired today!!

Why is a healthy lifestyle so trendy now?

Trendy?! Hahaha okay then. Taking care of yourself through a healthy lifestyle just seems smart to me, trendy or not :'D what a question. Anyway because many people are realising they're rather happy than miserable?! Makes sense.

Which website or app do you use first in the morning?

Usually facebook notifications, and instagram, and snapchat, because I am a loser who is addicted to social media ???????

Language: English