
Vina Cyrilla

Ask @vinacyrilla

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Ga degdegan nungguin uan ci?

Deg"an ga ya hmm bahkan kmrn gue tidur cepet ga nungguin hasil uan keluar HAHA sedikit deg"an sih tp gue udah ngerjain un bener" dan berusaha maksimal.semoga hasilnya worth it :')

Persiapan promnya gmn ci?

Udah siap kok cuma pake daster sendal jepit sama rolrambut doang nih ngapain ribet" ya ga?;)

Santi mau jurusan apa?

Pertanyaannya seputar santi semua HAHA lg ngehits bgt dia! Dia mau lgsg jd istri yg baik hahaha ga deng dia mau matmur

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hai cici bsk aku prom tp aku makan byk bgt hari ini :( ada solusi?

Mending skrg jg abis baca ini kamu lgsg joging keliling kompleks ya sampe berasa mau pingsan baru boleh berenti ato ga,berdoa aja semaleman semoga perut kamu bisa menciut besok pas prom walopun kayanya itu agak mustahil tp percaya aja kalo mukjizat itu nyata HAHAHA

ci aku stress besok 3 ulangan, motivasi dong cici

Maa baru bales ya.byk bgttt ulnya....belajar yg benerrr tp jgn sampe begadang ya kaya gue aja bisa gabisa pokonya tidur jam 10 HAHA jgn panik pas ngerjain ul nanti malah lupa semua terus jgn lupa jg berdoa ya doa itu kuat loh!bunch of luck ya ;)

Impersonate jessica jacinda

"Duh vina aku bulet"
"Semangat vinaaaa km pasti bisa!"
"Aku belom pernah makan sate padang nih"
"Abis km ujian sekaip ya!"
"Hah iya vin?"
*ngajarin gue* "ini dimasukin rumus aja vin tr di kuadrat trs dikali sekawan trs diturunin diakar dipecah dibagi trs dimasukin kalo x=0 trs km dapet a dpt b trs dieliminasi ato substitusi baru di blablabla" HAHA tp dia jelas bgt ngajarinnya hihi
"Kantong mataku natural bgt ga kaya punya km nih"
"Aku oon bgt vinaa!masa blablabla *curhatanjes*"
"Dut aku janji ga makan abis retret tp gagal"
"Dia jago bgt vinaaa!" "Jagoan mana sama aku jes?" *pasang tampang jiji* *menjauh*
"Woy dut"
*gosip sampe diusir penatua pas retret* HAHA
*curhat ke jes* "yaudah vina km jgn stress gr" ituu dll"
*ketawa ala jes* *ngusilin gue*
Masih banyak lg ttg jes tp pd intinya dia hobi blg gue dut pdhl dia sendiri skrg tambah DUT huf laf jesss muah :*

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Liked by: Andrew Timothy

Vin pap buku tpa dan buku yg kamu pake di foto yg pake fisheyelens dongg

Lg ga bareng sama bukunya tp cari aja di gramed ato dmn gt hahaha

Sebutkan satu nama yang terlintas paling pertama. 1. Paling gatau malu 2. Paling narsis 3. Paling sensitif 4. Paling kocak 5. Paling pesimis 6. Paling kepedean 7. Paling aneh

3.jejen(bukan sensitif kaya cepet tersinggung tp sensitif tau temennya lg sedih stress dll ihik :'))
7.santi HAHA bukan aneh yg gimana gitu ya!tp gatau knp dia sama kaya gue gitu suka aneh" gajelas bareng

Kenapa milih kedokteran? Ga minat teknik?

Tau ga dulu pas kecil gue pengen jd pdt tp ga dikasih sama papa katanya nanti sibuk gabisa ngurusin keluarga nanti.tapi dari apa yg gue liat,bokap gue bisa ngurus keluarga dan bisa jd kepala keluarga yg baik.tp karna gaboleh yaudah gajadi deh hehe terus gue sempet mau jd pelukis gitu tp gue sadar diri gambar gue memprihatinkan....jd gajadi HAHA terus sempet pengen jd ambil interior design ato arsitek tp gue jg sadar kalo gue cuma suka ngeliatin doang ga bisa bikinnya huf :') trs pernah terjadi sesuatu gt dan ini ngebuat gue milih buat jd dokter. Hm ga suka teknik nih soalnya gabisa yg terlalu byk itungan gitu kan aku cupsy :(

Lo yakin mau masuk fkui? Saingan lo banyak banget loh

Yakin gak ya hahaha yakin dongg! Iya gue tau saingannya banyak bgt bisa 2000 orang ato seperempat indonesia kali mau masuk situ semua dan gue tau yg mau masuk situ pasti byk bgt yg lebih pinterjeniuscerdasrajin drpd gue terus mereka juga pasti berjuang bgt buat masuk situ.ya gue cuma orang yg biasa" aja bahkan dibandingin temen" gue yg mau masuk fk gue tuh termasuk yg otaknya pas"an kebawah.yg bisa gue lakukan cuma bekerja keras berusaha mati"an dan berdoa.kenapa?karna gue tau kerja keras dan doa ga mungkin mengkhianati kita kalo kita udah melakukannya secara maksimal.epriting is posibel ;)

Do you feel blessed? Why?

Yapp!I realize that life is full of disasters and disappointments. We usually try to do our best to handle the situation,but sometimes it seems impossible to come out of a trap. No matter how hard life may seem, we should feel blessed and pinch ourselves each day. We should open our eyes and set new life priorities. If we stay optimistic in tough times we will never lose track of what we have in our life. A few reasons why I feel blessed:
1.If you woke up this morning with more health than illness,you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week.
2.If your parents are still married,alive, and they still love you,you are very blessed.
3.If you have friends then you are very blessed. Your friends are people who are closely tied with you. They seem to know everything about you and they can help you take important life decisions and talk about silly things. It’s not a good idea to take your friends and close people for granted. You can always share your joys and cries with them.
4.If you have food in your refrigerator,clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep,you are richer than 75% of this world.
5.Blessed because I can be myself. Almost every person dreams to be accepted by colleagues,family and friends for who he/she is. You should appreciate what makes you unique. Never try to pretend to be someone else. Live your own life and reach your own goals.
6.It is difficult to live without a choice. Every person has to make several life choices,especially when it comes about education,love,career and a place to live. Thanks to the power of choice you can feel and enjoy freedom.
7.If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
8.If you can hold someone's hand,hug them or even touch them on the shoulder,you are blessed because you can offer God's healing touch.
9.If you can read this message, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read anything at all.and etc.
You might be as busy as a bee,but try to take a break and realize that you are extremely blessed with your life. Life isn’t as bad and tiresome as you think. If you are feeling blessed,repay the blessings bestowed unto you and do something for others. A blessing cannot be kept. If it stops with you,then the blessing will disappear. The blessing will only keep working if it is continuously passed around. If you are a recipient of a blessing,keep the blessing working by being the source of blessing to other people.
Ps: you are so blessed in ways you may never even know :) have a good day,count your blessings!

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impersonate aku yang banyakk

Valensia Sebastiani
Udah pernah valennn ;) yaudah tambah lg dehhh
"Berjuang ci"
"Aku sakit nih hehehe"
"Jangan stress ci"
"Abis tambahan nih"
*tidur cuma 3 jam an*
*ngerjain tugas*
Hahaha btw getwellsoon ya kamu❤️

What motivates you?

1.My dreams and my goals motivate me to achieve and become successful in life. They motivate me to be the best person I can be. I work with sincere heart toward achieving them.
2.My friends and my dad are my best motivators. If I face a critical problem, they are there giving valuable encouragement and if there is ever a problem,they come and they help me get back at it.


Language: English